No idea, but it'd be very welcome here!
Funnily enough I REALLY wanted this game the last couple of years, so I finally picked it up a few months ago when it was on a deep-ish discount on Steam. I haven't put that many hours into it (maybe three) but it's definitely nowhere near as bad as the ratings would suggest, however...I didn't find it particularly engaging after a while.
Maybe it's because the initial dozen-ish NPCs you meet are really really wooden and act mostly as long winded lore dumps, but I quickly lost interest in talking to anyone, and by proxy kinda lost interest in the game itself. I haven't played it in over a week now, probably longer, and thinking about it...I'm kinda saddened by that. Sure, as an open world RPG without a "the world is ending tomorrow, better get to questing!!!) theme you can just wander around and do things at your own pace (within reason) instead of talk to NPCs and quest but this particular game doesn't seem to be geared to doing that, unlike Skyrim, Gothic 3, Two Worlds 1, etc etc.
I don't know, maybe I haven't been in the right mood for it, or maybe the loong loooong winded and personalty-less NPCs really did take that much of a toll on my enjoyment of the game, but I really thought I'd like it a lot more than I am. Like I said, it really is better than its reviews, but at the same time....