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With all due respect, that may or may not be true. The money goes to the Paypal Giving Fund. They've come under fire for their polices to the point there's a class action suit against them:


I'm not making an opinion about any of this although 1) I will say I've never been a Paypal fan and 2) the two times I've bought stuff from Humble, I just sent 100% to the website itself.

Having said that I doubt the developers get that much either. Average purchase appears to be about $15. Spread that around 15 games per sale and it doesn't come out to be much.

edit: Having written all that, here's Humble's position on it:
Post edited September 18, 2017 by drmike
GOG - Obviously

Best Buy - Gamers Club gets me a 20 percent discount on all game purchases, plus if you are also part of My Best Buy, you get points with every purchase too and they price match. They price match amazon, Walmart, Target, Gamestop, Sears. So I am always getting the best price.
For the moment still mostly GOG. Sometimes Humble, though that's usually when there's something interesting (and DRM-free) in one of the bundles. I'd love to go back to buying mostly physical releases, but as 99% of those require a Steam account it's sadly not an option.
CharlesGrey: Currently mostly GOG and Humble. The latter has a smaller DRM-free selection, but they have some pretty cool games not available here. Also bought some games on Fireflower Games, but their selection is limited and they rarely seem to add more games to the store. Still worth a look, as they have some games not available here, as well as some freebies. And I bought some games on Shiny Loot, when that was still a thing... There's probably a lesson here, about supporting smaller stores, lest they all just disappear. ( Hey, that kinda rhymes. )

So far I only bought a handful of Steam games ( most of them retail games, tied to Steam ), but I'll probably end up buying more in the future, since GOG is gradually turning into some sort of Frankenstein Steam-Clone anyway.
takezodunmer2005: I did go the Origin route for EA exclusives such as Crysis 3, Mirror's edge 2, ME3 and DAI, but don't count them as much due to their library is very finite for my needs as the only other game I'll be getting is MEA when it goes on sale for 80-90% off.
CharlesGrey: How is Mirror's Edge 2? Better or worse than the first one? Any major changes?
Graphically superior, and the controls are more combat focused...I haven't gotten very far within the game, but it plays pretty much the same, though there's a open world mechanic, bad news though, the game has been infected with the denuvo virus; so that means the load times will be a bitch...

Good news though, it has been cracked, and if you buy it at the 80-90% discount you can also feel secure in knowing that there's a potential unofficial DRM-free version as backup because you're not really pirating anything if you already bought a legit copy!
GOG if it's a title I want to support specifically for one of two reasons: A) I want to support a cool dev that's usually up and coming, and B) I want the publisher/dev to see another sale on GOG and be more inclined to put more games here.

I will not hesitate to buy from Steam if it's a Steam exclusive, but I find that Greenmangaming and HumbleBundle tend to have better game prices than Steam for the same thing. A sign of the times, and people still think Gaben is the coming of SeattleJesus.

Right now, I only own a pc, a Switch, and an android tablet, so cross platform games I want to get on the Switch to support it.

Ultimately, though, I have probably a hundred or more games in my backlog, so I'm not in a rush to buy new ones.

I used to buy from Gamersgate a lot, but idk. Something about them within the past year has put me off.
drmike: Accessibility is an issue for me so I'll admit I download first from one of them sites we're not supposed to mention,
Uplay? ;p

Humblebundle. Get some decent deals there regularly. Again, regular deals & just almost like humble, a percentage goes into your wallet for your next purchase.

Once in a while from Bundlestars, but their captcha crap bugs the hell out of me big time! couple of times. used once or twice.

Not bought anything on steam since 16/10/2016 & won't be doing so again.

Nor anything from gog since Dec 6, 2016 & unlikely to be doing so again.

Sure I've forgotten where else I buy from. Old age & all that ;p
Post edited September 18, 2017 by fishbaits
Matrix Games.

in the past HPS, Shrapnel, DotEmu.
drmike: With all due respect, that may or may not be true. The money goes to the Paypal Giving Fund.
As far as I know, only 5% go to that fund ( or to your own virtual wallet, for the next purchase, if you prefer ) and another 5% go directly to a charity of your own choice.

drmike: Having said that I doubt the developers get that much either. Average purchase appears to be about $15. Spread that around 15 games per sale and it doesn't come out to be much.
Are you talking about the bundles? I mostly just buy the regular single game offers on Humble, and I'm sure Devs receive about the same percentage from those, as they would on GOG or Steam.

The bundles seem more like a last resort measure, for games which no longer sell many copies.
Primarily Steam for the bulk of my pc game buying these days. Then HumbleBundle through their monthly bundles and the rare weekly-ish bundle.

GOG on occasion if they release a classic to my liking. Anything new, I will abstain from buying GOG.

I like to add to my PS3/PSP/VIta library so PSN or Amazon fills that spot nicely.

As I've been also adding to my physical collection, I rely on CraigsList, eBay, and thrift stores for those. I'm most proud of my flight sims and Sierra adventure titles. :)
takezodunmer2005: Graphically superior, and the controls are more combat focused...I haven't gotten very far within the game, but it plays pretty much the same, though there's a open world mechanic, bad news though, the game has been infected with the denuvo virus; so that means the load times will be a bitch...

Good news though, it has been cracked, and if you buy it at the 80-90% discount you can also feel secure in knowing that there's a potential unofficial DRM-free version as backup because you're not really pirating anything if you already bought a legit copy!
Meh, maybe I'll pick it up when they decide to drop Denuvo officially, or even release the game DRM-free. But I don't want to buy it and support that crap, not even at a discount. The Steam client on its own can be annoying, I really don't need additional DRM on top of it. and Steam, mostly. Nuuvem on occasion. Every now and then I get a humble bundle.

EDIT: Oh, Origin, very rarely, for EA stuff.
Post edited September 18, 2017 by Falci
I have a very limited gaming budget so I mostly buy games from Steam when they're on sale. Trading card profits either pay for the games entirely, or heavily subsidize the cost of them.

I get some things from Humble bundles too, but mostly via the 'Group Buys' Steam group, which has saved me a small fortune. Saying that, if I could afford it I'd definitely keep a permanent sub to Humble Monthly and spend more money on their regular bundles too.

Occasionally something good will come up in a Bundlestars bundle, and again I'll try to get whatever it is through 'Group Buys'. In my opinion the other bundle sites (IndieGala, Groupees, Otaku, Cubic, and all the others of that ilk) are generally not even worth looking at. Life is too short and backlogs are too big to waste time on shitty games.

If by some miracle Groupees or IndieGala include a decent game in a bundle, I'll try to get that game from Tremorgames. I log in and spend a few minutes earning a few coins every day, which means I have enough to buy something decent every couple of weeks or so.

As for GOG, I only use it for old games and I have most of the old games I really want, so I rarely spend money here. If some unmissable oldie gets released here exclusively I'll pick it up but that hasn't happened for quite a while.

For formats other than PC, I buy games for my tablet almost exclusively from the Play store, as Humble can be weak on keeping Android games updated and I'm not keen on buying mobile games from Amazon. For console games, buying used physical copies from B&M stores or Ebay is good enough for me.

So there it is, gaming on a shoestring :P On one hand I can't afford to buy many of the things I'd like to, but on the other hand I own loads of great games in a backlog so big I'll almost definitely never see the end of it in my lifetime, and I still manage to regularly add good games to my collection.
Asbeau: I have a very limited gaming budget so I mostly buy games from Steam when they're on sale. Trading card profits either pay for the games entirely, or heavily subsidize the cost of them.
Keep an eye on

steam doesn't usually have the best sales prices any more.
CharlesGrey: As far as I know, only 5% go to that fund ( or to your own virtual wallet, for the next purchase, if you prefer ) and another 5% go directly to a charity of your own choice.
Try 0% percent. I politely suggest that you read the articles I linked to. Some charities aren't getting any of their donated money.
CharlesGrey: As far as I know, only 5% go to that fund ( or to your own virtual wallet, for the next purchase, if you prefer ) and another 5% go directly to a charity of your own choice.
drmike: Try 0% percent. I politely suggest that you read the articles I linked to. Some charities aren't getting any of their donated money.
I only skimmed the articles, but isn't it the charities themselves which just haven't bothered doing the paperwork so that they can receive the money?