gajomo1: Please I beg you do not engage or bend the knee to the outrage form the loud vocal minority. 99% of us love you guys and gals over there and happy to support a company that cares about customers and doesn't seem to fear the toxic social world we live in right now. Do not for the love of your company try to pander and be all inclusive and non offensive for these bigots. And DO NOT! trust Anita Sarkeesian. She is a chronic liar who built her career on fake outrage, and taking other youtuber's videos for her reviews without crediting them, but claiming them as her own. She is pure cancer on society. All this outrage about Cyber Punk at the moment is from the 1% of toxic people who wont buy the game anyway, and only seek to watch the world burn.
Protip: Alwys check the forums first to see if a thread exists on the topic first to avoid making duplicates and getting others to complain(like they are doing). I made one here to contain all such tlak about the outrage(fake or no) over the new game Cyberpunk 2077.
It is here, if you are interested. :)
I don't mind all of these threads, but can we maybe consolidate them?
And being an SJW does not effect my opinion. I'd feel the exact same way if there were ten concurrent threads about the new Hammeratch DLC or the new Mini Sega Genesis.
I will however admit, I'd have no problem whatsoever if there were ten concurrent threads about the St. Louis Blues. :D
I concur, which is why I directed OP to my thread.
I also wish more people would use the search function(and ALSO that GOG would fix said function to make it more accurate).