higix: Kid 1's favorite game is Grand Theft Auto V.
Kid 2, Minecraft. Also, Kid 2 and myself puked out a couple of very simple diy games in Scratch once upon a time.
Kid 3 is liking Kerbal at the moment, but he skips around alot of games.
Kid 1: Saints' Row would seem to be the logical choice, then. (Hope it's an older teen.)
Kid 2: Crashlands could be a solid pick. Teen-appropriate humor and lots and lots of crafting!
Other very tentative suggestions, since they all like Fallout 3: Two Worlds II (open world, crafting), Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Puzzle-type games: Waking Mars should probably be at the top of your list. You don't kill things and it's almost impossible to die. Technically a platformer, but doesn't really feel like one.