Posted January 04, 2018
It is a fecking amazing monitor. Played fallout4 with widescreen, AC syndicate, and currently far cry 4. No lags or graphical problems as yet, smooth as butter max res. Next up will be cod: ww2, that should be a real test.

The monitor is absolutely cracking, really glad I got it. So far I have played through Fallout 4, COD WW2, FarCry4, Wolfenstein 2, AC Rogue, AC Syndicate, Wolves of Midgard (only first few levels), and tried a couple others. Not a single skipped, torn, or messed up part yet. I have a 1080 FTW card so the G-Sync works with that. I would note that as its ultra wide, you sometimes need widescreen (Fallout 4 for instance) or some other patch (AC Rogue and Black Sail you can get a replacement exe). But this is a small price for the sheer amount of real estate, you can easily have three windows on screen all showing what you would from my previous 1920*1080 monitor.
As I say, really glad I went with it, and it should keep me going for several years to come.