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Back when they had a store, DotEmu was able to convince Sega to release classic Genesis games there DRM-free. Now they're working with them on Streets Of Rage 4. What if DotEmu ends up being the bridge that helps GOG sign Sega?
Post edited August 28, 2018 by Barry_Woodward
This is maybe the reason why SOR Remake is down. And apparently Axel got a hipster beard now.
I absolutely hate the art style, it looks like mobile-phone caliber hot garbage. Cheap cartoony art that doesn't have any Streets of Rage style or grit, character models that look cut and paste over the backgrounds like a flash game, combat clip looked sloppy and why the HELL does my favourite character look old and fat?! While Blaze looks young and fit?

No Yuzo Koshiro either makes this a hard pass for me.

WonderBoy looked good, this to me, doesn't.

If there was any other game besides Sonic they should have given to Christian Whitehead, this was it.
Post edited August 28, 2018 by ReynardFox
...And it looks like shit. Back to playing Final Fight and Double Dragon on MAME, I guess.
While Dotemu have released here, as far as I can find there isn't a single game here from Sega.
Good memories when I played streets of rage on the mega drive.
Lucian_Galca: snip
fortune_p_dawg: snap
Dear @Dotemu @Lizardcube @Guard_Crush, do you plan to release #StreetsOfRage4 on

Dear @kqwru, we haven't announced the platforms yet. Please give us some time until everything is decided!

If you have a Twitter account it would make sense to like and reply to their tweet and encourage them to make GOG one of their release platforms.
Post edited August 28, 2018 by Downtown_Special