Engerek01: That there would still be people who believe:
* The world is actually flat.
* The Sun is turning around the world
* The Sun is turning around the "moon"
* Seasons are caused by the elliptic route of the world.
* That humanity has discovered everything to know.
* The technology advancement (mostly computer) is concluded / has come to an end / can not be improved any more...etc
..in the 21th century.
tinyE: Fifteen years ago I got yelled at by a coworker for suggesting the world was more than 6000 years old. She called the fossil record and carbon dating a hoax. XD
Actually she didn't really yell at me, it was worse than that; kind of a condescending, "Oh don't be stupid, of course the fossil record is fake."
Reminds me of the time some older woman told me about some bunny that lays eggs.
(Actually, in general, there's some tendency of people to assume that others are like them; religions beliefs are one example of this, as becomes evident if you're an atheist (like me) and other people mention "god" as if such a thing exists.)
I would be curious what would would happen if this experiment were done with transgender individuals (in all stages of transition), and how their experiences with this sort of experiment would compare to a control group of cisgender individuals. Maybe somebody should do that experiment?
Edit: hap[pen -> happen (removed stray [ character)
Edit 2: Why is this "low rated"?