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After rearanging parts of the gaming collection i came up with the following question

Are games such as Nioh, For Honor, Lords of the Fallen, Ryse, Metal Gear Rising and Bloody Spell better suited in their own genre grouping or best kept together with either true fighters such as Injustice, DOA or with your Regular Action Adventure( rpg ) such as Nier Automata or Tomb Raider.... Skyrim etc .... How do you muse?
I'm not sure how you categorize Nioh with those others. Its closest "friends" are those much inferior "souls" like games, or the stealth-action-preice-combat games like the later Ninja Gaiden games. Maybe with an extra stretch in its specific case for aRPGs.

While this makes it closer to "fighters" than the "open world action games", fighting games are quite easily and tightly defined to exclude it.
mqstout: I'm not sure how you categorize Nioh with those others. Its closest "friends" are those much inferior "souls" like games, or the stealth-action-preice-combat games like the later Ninja Gaiden games. Maybe with an extra stretch in its specific case for aRPGs.

While this makes it closer to "fighters" than the "open world action games", fighting games are quite easily and tightly defined to exclude it.
Had some basic observations about how intricate a fighting system is. Nioh and For Honor, if you look combat wise do seem to have the biggest focus on mano eh mano combat thus making them elligible to hang around in the corner of games that only provide mano e mano

maybe i could distinct between adventure and action too .....

>>musings continu
Don't forget to include the Yakuza series in your calculations.
mqstout: Don't forget to include the Yakuza series in your calculations.
I don't have those .... yet... the only game that comes near is Sleeping Dogs which for the moment rest in my jrpg map which actually stands almost synomym for everything from Japan..... Sleeping dogs might go to the action adventure (rpg ) together with maffia 2 def editition which is still roaming around in uncategorized
Radiance1979: the only game that comes near is Sleeping Dogs which for the moment rest in my jrpg map which actually stands almost synomym for everything from Japan.....
Sleeping Dogs was made by a Canadian studio and plays in Hong Kong... :)
Radiance1979: the only game that comes near is Sleeping Dogs which for the moment rest in my jrpg map which actually stands almost synomym for everything from Japan.....
DoctorGOGgles: Sleeping Dogs was made by a Canadian studio and plays in Hong Kong... :)
Again those Canadians, the square flag must have fooled me! Switching the game right away..... Can you belief that was exactly the reason why dungeon siege games ended up in my J map too? That felt too awkward!
Post edited May 24, 2020 by Radiance1979
Lords of the Fallen is in my "RPG-Action" category, that one was easy. But most of the other games might end in my "3d person" category. There are many games I would sort into RPG or Action just to never find them again, so I came up with "3d person". It's a wild mix of Tomb Raider, Just Cause, Bayonetta, Mafia, Mad Max... But it works surprisingly well.
They're not fighters, that's for sure.

They're arguably action RPGs, but best suited to being suited to falling into the 'Souls' like genre, which at this point, is established. We could of course argue the finer details, and about the fact Demon Souls was not the 'first' of its kind, but much like in music,film,literature, it's the most popular that is granted the title of the genre grandfather.

Genres are changing, some not for the better. The fact Witcher 3 is called 'the best RPG in the last 15 years' shows how the idea of a genre has changed in the eyes of the mainstream. It's a fun topic to discuss, and often leads to people trying new games and genres out.
Still souls holds for me a background of impossible opponents scented with hours and hours of trials just to understand something ( maybe you understand from these words that i never played a souls game ( souls 1 right up untill the manticore where it thought" forget it" ))

I don't see how any of the games mentioned fall into this section though Lords of the Fallen maybe ... i still need to play that one too... oh lord and then there is "the surge" of course... are these souls like? that feels even wronger then labelling dungeon siege with a jrpg tag?!
Truth is "action game" and "action RPG" are so mixed up at this point there's no real way to define them as one thing. It's all a mish-mash of hybridization now, and if you insist on classifying them into clear categories then it'll just drive you mad. Don't worry about it, just play the games you like.
StingingVelvet: Truth is "action game" and "action RPG" are so mixed up at this point there's no real way to define them as one thing. It's all a mish-mash of hybridization now, and if you insist on classifying them into clear categories then it'll just drive you mad. Don't worry about it, just play the games you like.
Maybe i'll use the 'combat' tag instead for certain games. You are right from a certain standpoint. If this behavior would stand in the way of me enjoying games i probably need to quit this and start working on avoidance issues or something but as a sunny sundaynoon hobbyist categorizing and displaying is just as much part of the fun as the actual enjoyement of playing those games is
Post edited May 24, 2020 by Radiance1979