seppelfred: I'm still waiting for the advertised episodes of D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die.
Don't get me wrong, I love SWERY almost as much as he loves us all BUT...
I facepalmed real hard when I heard his first non-mobile game post Deadly Premonition was going to be an episodic Kinect game. Coming from the guy notorious for poorly supporting his releases and janky controls, it was really doomed from the start.
I heard the PC port was actually pretty good, but the series was already cancelled by the time I got around to looking at it.
BadDecissions: Swery released the first episode of an allegedly episodic game, which was then abandoned, then yelled at people on Twitter when they asked him about it. I've enjoyed his games, but I don't think he's in the best position to be asking people to give him money and take it on faith that he'll produce a finished, satisfying product.
The twitter thing doesn't bother me too much. That kind of thing tends to get blown out of proportion nowadays (especially with a non-native English speaker). As for faith in a good finished product...
Yah his
Fig campaign certainly didn't inspire too much confidence. That was definitely another big facepalm when it's rewards made it obvious they were planning to split out a finished feature. The whole "turn into an animal at night" was a big part of their advertised features, so having a different version of the game for each animal smelled strongly of post release dlc.
They got rid of two separate game versions for the kickstarter, so we'll see if that helps them out any. The fact that they set their goal at just slightly below what the previous campaign was pledged at will probably have more of an impact though...
Also, for those interested, the turn into an animal feature isn't in the demo.