UK_John: Many different peop0le with constructive criticism mostly. Don't stifle free-speech.
Maighstir: I'm well aware of that. I did not intend to insinuate that it's the same few people complaining all the time and I'm certainly not trying to limit their rights to state their opinions, just stating my observation that
people will complain.
If that's a reference to the US Constitution, then I'm pretty sure that particular type of free-speech has nothing to do with civility; that's about not being persecuted by the government when disagreeing with it.
I think what you all mean is that courtesy isn't mandatory. There are no rights to be discourteous and there need be none, so there's no point for anyone to claim a right to be so. A lack of courtesy is just what happens when how to do otherwise is unknown at the moment. There's nothing going on here that has anything to do with freedom.