Posted February 04, 2025
There's a TV Tropes page with lots of examples of how the AI cheats :)
rjbuffchix: Anyway, as for the topic, the biggest example I can think of is rubberband AI in racing (occurs in too many games to list). This has annoyed me for several decades now. My point of view is that if I am fortunate to be skilled enough to literally run laps around the competition, I should be able to do so. The "rubberband" phenomenon of keeping the other competitors close, giving them artificial boosts, having them travel at speeds unattainable by the player, just strikes me as literally cheating. I have been told and have read that the idea behind rubberband AI is to make the races exciting; you, the player, can't rest and must engage in intense competition or lose to the non-player competitors. Some may find that exciting; to me, participating in a largely-rigged competition is not exciting, it is annoying and intellectually insulting. The most obvious example of cheating rubberband AI i have seen in a racing game is Need for Speed Underground. lol