dtgreene: The water temple, if you exclude the boss at the end, was actually my favorite part of the game. It felt like that was the only part of the game that truly used the 3D, and I was disappointed in the complete lack of water in later dungeons. (The final area, which didn't even feel like a full dungeon, really should have had a water section, at least.)
It's just when you replaced the hookshot with the longshot it was a bit disorienting where you were meant to go next as you weren't looking for an unopened door/area this time around, but one of those plate thingies in the distance. It was a bit of a pain back them as you really couldn't just check a walkthrough online to see what you missed so you had to systematically recheck each area..
dtgreene: (Although the Iron Boots really should have been a C button item.)
Yes they should have. Didn't they make that change in the 3DS OOT re-release though? I know there were some changes to the inventory system I just can't remember the specifics. My sister has the game but I only played around with it for a few minutes.
dtgreene: There's actually two stealth sections. Did you forget the one in Hyrule Castle that comes before you even get access to the second dungeon?
Oooooohhhhhh yeeeeeaaaahhhhh, the part were you had to avoid the castle guards by sneaking around the hedges. Yup, I forgot all about that part until now.