Pro Argument:
With all the gobbeling up of exclusives after the 1y grace period more bigger games might more easily release on gog then before since it might matter less to the devs ("Ok Bob, now steam?" "Sure sure" "What about gog?" "Yeah, whatever, don't bother me".)
Its the same smut as steam (ok, a bit worse). As fan of DRM free singleplayer games nothing but the name on that other store which gets it (first) changes.
DadJoke007: This thread is for everything concerning Epic and its grandmother. New game release? New exclusive? New freebie? Something fishy? Just post it here.
Hopefully, this will reduce the amount of Epic threads that gets created on a daily basis as soon as someone on that company sneezes.
That would just delude the diverse subtopics; some ppl just might not want to talk about a game and having to many in one post will be a total mess. You could turn it into a directory of sorts though.
Outer World Heavy Rain Beyond Detroit etc.