Posted November 30, 2018

Thanks for everything, and goodbye for now
Registered: Dec 2016
From Indonesia

Registered: Feb 2013
From Indonesia
Posted November 30, 2018
I remember being blown away the first time I saw Prince of Persia (the original DOS version) in an computer expo back then when I was a kid. The next day me and my siblings forced our parents to go buy the game. That's probably the only time ever we all joined forces and demanded something from our parents

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 30, 2018
I'd like to ask for Crysis, pretty please.

Mostly Tired
Registered: Nov 2017
From Singapore
Posted November 30, 2018
May I have Divinity: Original Sin - Enhanced Edition , please?

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted November 30, 2018
high rated

If 90% of forum-goers already got a freebie or already owned it, and 9% don't want it for whatever reason, there's just likely to be fewer asks for it vs a comparable game, esp if it "costs" a month's participation to claim it.
Dagger keeps it from languishing.

Excuse you, I mke no misteaks in y wokr.

Can I sign up for Deponia somehow?
I grew up on point-and-click games (such as The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril, Hokus Pokus Panther and a lot more that are not pink panther related, lol), and I am very curious as to how I like them now. I read that one of the best currently is the Deponia series, but haven't decided if I'm going to pay for it yet.
I'm 26 now by the way, and the first Pink Panther game came out in 1996, in which I played it (amongst others) for several years forward.
Thanks in advance for considering me!
Denied due to lack of participation.
Same as above, you need more community activity first, sorry.
Denied due to lack of participation.

Come to Daddy!
Registered: Dec 2013
From Slovakia
Posted November 30, 2018
Hello zeo, I did not wanted to ask for anything, because I am still playing Battle Chasers and having a blast, but seeing no one is interested in Kyrandia after a very long time, and you have two copies available, I would kindly ask for one of the keys. Any of the three games would be fine.
Many thanks for your work.
Many thanks for your work.

Registered: Oct 2016
From Venezuela
Posted November 30, 2018

The second time I reacted that way was when I saw Prince of Persia.

Many thanks for your work.
Also, very grateful to the generous one(s) who donated these keys, the first two Kyrandia games are at the top 5 of my favorite adventure games and I'm happy more people may get to discover these games thanks to the donations. :)
Post edited November 30, 2018 by krugos2

ENPY Studio - Free russian localizations
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation

Registered: Oct 2016
From Croatia
Posted November 30, 2018
Nominatign Vidje for Witcher 2

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 30, 2018
Thanks Big_Stupid and Zeo for Crysis!
It's been on my wishlist for very long time and now I can finally start that series up when I feel like doing some futuristic shooting. :)
It's been on my wishlist for very long time and now I can finally start that series up when I feel like doing some futuristic shooting. :)

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted November 30, 2018
Post edited November 30, 2018 by finkleroy

Registered: Dec 2011
From Serbia
Posted November 30, 2018
I actually have Warhead in my GOG library for about a year now and Crysis 2 on Steam for many years now but didn't play them because I was missing the very first one. So, now the series is rounded up for me since I'm not interested in Crysis 3.

the little one
Registered: Feb 2018
From China, People's Republic of
Posted November 30, 2018
Big thanks to AliensCrew and zeo for Syberia! And thanks to zeo for caring to answer my little question:)

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted November 30, 2018
I'd like to nominate Ogdin for Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers.

April Ryan
Registered: Nov 2014
From United States
Posted November 30, 2018
Crysis 3 finishes the story. That's the only reason to play Crysis 3.