There looks to be some worthwhile daggered games, I'd like to request Prophecy I - The Viking Child, Homefront, Hektor. Now I know I claimed Homefront but I'm not sure if I let it expire or I donated it here as I didn't want to play it at the time. If I did donate it here could please have my version in order for me to thank myself.
I actually was going to risk going for Dark Years but won't risk it. Still it has one of the funiest review I've read (spoilers):
Without a doubt the best Iranian game I ever played!
It features:
-Bad graphic
-Hilarious bad voice acting. (Even I could have written it better using my broken English)
-Nonsensical puzzles
-More bugs than a bethesda game on release
-Quite nice hand drawn cut-scenes, which was obviously not made by the same people as the rest of this game, as the texts bobbles in these scenes features grammatically correctly written dialog, while the voice actors who are narrating the same scenes are still reading nonsensical dialog out loud.
-Dreadful controls, which are barely tolerable while out in the open and nearly game breaking when moving in cramped spaces.
-The music’s nice though.
However I also laughed out load many times. Below is a list of some of my favorite moments of the game (Spoiler Warning):
- A NPC advices one of the protagonists to disguise himself as a “British count” (according to the subtitles) which the voice actor pronounce as a “British♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
- The London eye appearing in one on the cut scenes, even though the game takes place in 1953.
- The ending. I kid you not, the game ends with the Shars wife literally burning one of the protagonist alive.