Alright, I think I've finally recovered. Thanks for your patience everyone, and a special thanks to BeatriceElysia and AB2012 for keeping track of the requests!
finkleroy: I'd like to request Q.U.B.E. 2, >observer_ and HIVESWAP: Act 1 and nominate kmcoolice for Syberia II(†).
Pouyou-pouyou: I'd like to request >observer and Tyranny for this month. Thank you.
NickZah: May I have Dead Island Definitive Edition?
AB2012: May I ask for the other QUBE 2 and Shadwen, please? (And get well soon! People are dropping like flies at work with the flu at the moment).
PMPMGamer: I'd like to request DiRT Rally, PAYDAY 2 and Teslagrad.
A.Ryan: Well can i ask for:
Rapture Rejects + DLC
And i wanna nominate Cecil for "Hover".
erbello: May I ask for Homeworld Remastered Collection?
A.Ryan: ps: Oh and if i can and still available i wanna add "Headleander" to my request for this month :)
TheDudeLebowski: I'd like
Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler Normality please :)
zejango: May I have Dead Island Definitive Edition because the user who asked seems to be a country where a key is not redeemed.
And may I have Tom Clancy's The Divison (Uplay) and
Daggered Games:
The Division Survival Expansion DLC
Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
51nikopol: I would like to request Faces of Illusion:The Twin Phantoms.
Makotolia: May I request
Septerra Core and
Lawless Lands? Take your time to rest and recover though, no hurry :)
LootHunter: I would like to request
Dungeon of Endless and
Syberia II (daggered).
zlaywal: Just want to ask for One Finger Death Punch for now. Thanks.
Zadalon: Get well soon zeogold. Soups and games are the best medicine.
Could I have Operation Flashpoint : Red River?
kusumahendra: I'd like to request Megabyte Punch please. Thank you
gixgox: Bummer - I slept too long, now Everything is already gone.
But it seems that the daggered
The Plague is still there. I'm not afraid of it, I'm vaccinated.
I hope Zeo is vaccinated against the flu too and he only caught a nasty cold.
Get better soon, friend.
ofthenexus: May I request Starseed Pilgrim, Titan Attacks! and Twisted Lands Trilogy?
Also The 39 Steps (daggered)?
jimrh69: May I ask for
Face Noir and
>observer_ and
Supreme League of Patriots Please :) Have an awesome day Everyone!! And get well Zeo
bler144: I was going to ask for 'Forward to the Sky' but apparently I bought it at Christmas. Excited to play that with the kid someday soon.
Anyway, if no one else has, I'll ask for the daggered:
PSYCHONAUTS It's worth being thoughtful about the balance. Similar to tomy's point, I don't think we're at the point where we need a 'rule' for it in this particular GA.
Just continue to be thoughtful about how much of an extra edge you have vs. how you utilize it ;)
pferreira1983: Hi,
Please could I request Chaos Control if possible?
cardangrille: Hey, get better soon, zeo. Looks like everyone's getting colds, I just got over one myself a few days ago.
And when you can get to it, I'd like to ask for Treadnauts, Arcane Golf and Preventive Strike if possible
OHMYGODJCABOMB: Take a rest and get well soon, Zeo!
I would like to ask for Cognition, Crawl and DESYNC.
AerynSun1701: I would like to ask for Deponia: The Complete Jurney (Daggered).
An i hope you will get better soon zeo. :)
kmonster: I'm interested in Fancy Skulls, Spirits, REVOLVER360 RE:ACTOR and from the daggered games Royal Defense and Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball.
bjgamer: May I request
Crowntakers please, if still available.
I hope you feel better soon zeo, and that it is just a bad cold and not the flu. In the meantime, Rx for chicken soup with basil and chilis, lots of rest and some fun time with a game of your choice. :)
badon: Is ARMA Cold War Assault still available?
RickyAndersen: May I please ask for
Forward to the Sky and
The Last Door - Collector's Edition?
Tcharr: May I please have
Deponia: The Complete Journey?
All granted.
Rosalumina: May I have Syberia II?
Beaten to it, sorry.