Kelefane: Since two of three were taken in my last request, may I request Hidden Folks and Tristoy? and the daggered game
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Thanks :)
kusumahendra: I'd like to request Wizardy 8 please
Thank you
Also granted.
aRealCyborg: i know i asked for a game within the last few days but can i have Wuppo and walking mars to hit my max games for this month. I feel like i am being selfish for asking for more lol
I mean, the limit's the limit. You can ask for them as spread out or as clustered as you like.
Granted as well.
aRealCyborg: i know i asked for a game within the last few days but can i have Wuppo and walking mars to hit my max games for this month. I feel like i am being selfish for asking for more lol
BeatriceElysia: You're such a scam.
There something I'm missing here?
WarbossAohd: Would it be possible to get the Ogrest and Noximilian the Clockmaker videos on steam?
It would be possible, sure. Just not from this giveaway. Please take a look at the first post in the thread.
supplementscene: Thanks to the lovely BeatriceElysia for Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation who I also did a trade with recently. Please let me know if you want any of those other steam keys I have. Thank You Zeo for being our gracious host.
BeatriceElysia: I currently have no wishes, but if Zeogold wants Humble steam copy of GNOG, I would be happy to bestow it upon him the key/gift link.
Apparently, he has GNOG in his GOG wishlist.
Thanks, much appreciated!