GameRager: That money won't last forever if they keep it up....and a good number will fall through the cracks or be overlooked.
You seem very confident about the future. Do you rent your crystal ball out?
GameRager: […] To me, we will have to make a choice at some our lives in fear and stay as we are for a somewhat long period of time to save some people […].
Yes, “at some point” in the future, but not now. You are trying to triage before the fact.
The first priority is to prevent this contagion from spreading, and the best strategy now is to isolate people until the threat has passed. (There have been no new cases in Wuhan for days, for instance, and should this trend last for two weeks then the isolation can be relaxed.)
He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary.
― Lucius Annaeus Seneca
richlind33: Capitalism is inherently *amoral*, so how do you arrive at the conclusion that human society at present is moral?
You are correct to ascribe no moral dimension to a tool, though I fail to see any benefit in the statement; one may as well say: Hammers are amoral.
Society is moral, on the other hand, because it is the combined creation of humans, who are each moral beings (the tiny fraction who are sociopathic, excepted).