Vythonaut: When was the last time you played a game till the end, then started it all over again to find all it's secrets or take that other route or just simply enjoy it once again? If you can't remember/can't answer to that, you either didn't have the chance/luck to play a game you really enjoyed, or you just play fast enough while rushing to the next game you have on your backlog (and probably you have way too many games).
HunchBluntley: Not everyone's like that, though. I, for instance, could love a game to bits, but unless it's something built around the concept of dozens (or hundreds!) of unique playthroughs (or attempts) -- such as something roguelike-like, where every playthrough is different (and usually relatively brief) -- I very seldom jump back into a game that I've
just finished (not that I finish many...). (snip)
You're right, i shouldn't have generalized; not all people enjoy games the same way i do myself (and my close relatives that i had in my mind when i was writing the above post) but the point is that many people rush through the games just to finish more games, as someone said previously. I fell for the same trap myself once, when my backlog grew in numbers because of two consequent GOG sales, a period of no pc gaming in favor of my other time consuming hobbies, and ultimately a third sale during which i was like "look-at-the-shinies-want-want-them-all".
It was then when i went through playthroughs faster than ever before (and stopped caring for my other hobbies for a while), and even though i wanted to replay some really awesome games a second time at least, my backlog made me anxious. Well, as you can imagine, my life-long hobby stopped being fun for me pretty quickly (i've been gaming like that for ~6 months) and even though i finished a lot of games, i couldn't say that i really enjoyed my time gaming on my PC during that period. Felt like work, as someone said.
Ultimately, i took a break from gaming until i (re)discovered why gaming was fun for me and how it stopped being such. Nowadays i still have some of those games in my backlog (around 20 or so, not counting the lovely GOG freebies), but i don't care when i'll start or finish them; in a way, there is no backlog for me, only a colorful shelf of great games that i'll enjoy soon(tm), when i'm done with what i'm playing right now. It will take a while. ;)
ps. that New Vegas (thanks Doc0075!), lasts too long gogdammit; i could have finished more than 10 games by now&&#$&#$!11!1!!1 Why do they make games last too long? I need to make my "finished games list" bigger than yours and it won't let me!!! :P Cheers and don't forget to have fun guys, or else take a break for a while until you do.
edit: typo