Tarnicus: How so zeogold?
zeogold: I would explain, but it suddenly dawns on me that the large majority of you here are not well-versed in memes, so never mind. Ignore what I said and carry on.
As you wish :)
Emachine9643: TARNICUS! How have you been my friend? Anything new? Have you finally settled down?
Ah a derivative of my least favourite question, "how are you?"
This video of a guy with Autism/Aspergers and Tourette's Syndrome touches on my difficulties with that question. Unless in a balanced, positive or manic mood, that question sets my head to explode, and I find it very difficult to transform the gamut of thought and feeling that ensues into something intelligible. It often takes me from whatever present state of mind I am in back to memories of hurt that I am unsuccessfully trying to avoid thinking about.
My current focus, when not doing "nuthin" (an infinite loop of thought and feeling avoidance and obfuscation), is on trying to get my teeth issues sorted as they have been adversely affecting my health for years. Twenty extractions complete, 12 to go (hopefully in hospital). My other focus has been on slowly but surely setting up my house. That equates to buying a fridge, a washing machine (9 months by hand in the bath!), a coffee table and some lounge chairs for my cats to sit on. I swapped my computer chair for 2 seater lounge so we can cuddle more comfortably.
2015 - the year I lost hope in life and embraced futility and nihilism again.