I hope this is ok, as after reading this thread today I was just a little worried about folks, and how some may not know the best way to proceed. I think it's probably up to the individuals involved, so I wanted to say something.
If, on the off chance I may gift someone here, it is yours to do as you wish UNLESS I specifically ask that if you already have it, I would like it back. If I don't specify that, then please consider it yours to redeem or trade or sell if you feel like breaking a few rules (I'd rather you didn't, but I'm not the internets police).
Anyway, don't know how others feel about it but I just wanted to say that I've gifted a person or two in this thread and want anyone to know in the future that if/when I do, it's yours to do as you wish UNLESS I specifically ask otherwise, OK??? (I had this very thing happen with gift this weekend. It was a game I didn't have myself, so I asked that if this person had already received this game he not redeem in that case).
Thanks, and please carry on with the goodwill. I have such an amazing family that does so many things for me that I feel it's my duty to "pay if forward" (if you don't know what that term means, look up a movie of that or similar title). In fact, they've just this week, once again, amazed me with their generousity. It turns out a laptop that I was asking about on this forum that someone else ordered was destined for.... me. Unbelievable. Just unbelievable. I'm the luckiest man on earth.