Ragnarblackmane: The mariomario twitter user, and people who use that term pejoratively. They've got the maturity of a kid who just discovered swearing and still thinks it's novel.
Elmofongo: You hate it when people use the word "Faggot?" Perjoratively?
People these days use words like that for anything. He called moviebob a Faggot because he was a pretentious, full of himself, self-rightous douchbag. Not because he was a homosexual. you're now treading towards same grounds as Emob was last night with his misuse of "autism" - and further to that his inability to realise that, or apologise for it.
however I also realise you're not going to continue along that path, nor troll afterwards.
as you're from Puerto Rico, would you feel just as at ease if every other numpty out there started calling all pretentious, full of themselves, self-rightous douchbags "spics" - in the defense they weren't neccesarily hispanic? - i doubt it.
Edit: see you've apologised. thats a start.