nightcraw1er.488: Luckily this only comes up every couple of days.
I still don’t understand why people are so eager to throw their money at a company who clearly wants to proprietise modding and hide it behind their own drm platform. Yes, mods are leaving nexus to no longer appear on the open market.
The other suggestion is even better, why not get an old build which needs a load of mods applied to get it to the same level as other users of the latest version have. Bully, charge me extra for that!
Skyrim should go on the “games that treat gog customers as second class citizens” thread, even before any release.
Anothername: Totally had
Sterlings Bethesda Dance on mind while reading your post :D
Not trying to defend this pitiful and self-degrading payed mods BS Beth shitstained their own games with; but at Nexus there are 64k mods for Skyrim and 24k mods for Skyrim SE listed. Sure; a lot that are probably legendary play experience for Skyrim players not anymore because above mentioned thing but for someone like me that will drop something like
no creation club mod into it and then browses what nexus has to offer I probably wont notice much of a difference.
I'm sure the game will still be able to take a good amount of regular normal mods.
Also; not all people play with mods.
I'm myself only use Unofficial skyrim patch, i'm not a modding guy, i wanted legendary because it's older than SE, and can run at anything with 4 gigs and a intel HD(Also makes more sense to be on gog because it's almost got ten years, give it the title of Good Old Game, or classic to be more precisely).
But yes, bethesda is blind for money and this make them to get in a bad way over last years, sad thing.