Honestly, adverts in installers is not really a good idea, it is short term thinking, and not really necessary. Hasn't the customer seen enough adverts at GOG and in emails from GOG?
I can see some small justification for further games in the same series. But honestly, is the customer really ignorant enough for those?
In any case, it shouldn't be hard to provide dynamic links, that GOG redirect via a long term keyword.
But even those can fail, if an advertised game is no longer at GOG.
As it is though, GOG should not be updating advert links in existing installers, such that it seems like a game has had an update, when it hasn't.
It could be though, that GOG gets paid to do adverts, but they are only for a certain duration. So another reason not to bother, as they just make GOG seem b-grade when the links are broken.
Post edited February 24, 2025 by Timboli