Leroux: Btw, the "casualization" of removing death and unwinnable states from point-and-click adventures was introduced by LucasArts in the early 90's. ;)
ShadowAngel.207: I still think it was one of the dumbest moves ever.
You can die in all other games, you can lose in racing games but in Adventures you can't die, you can't lose. Basically Lucas Arts was "stop using your brain, our games are dumb, linear, easy". It works when the game is written good and it's stil fun to play (MI1+2, Fate of Atlantis) but falls flat on is face when it offers nothing but a mediocre story you play in a linear fashion with no challenge at all (The Dig, the crappy Monkey Islands afterwards). Imagination any other game, let's say Witcher, GTA or whatever, where you simply can't die at all, you never get stuck, you solve all problems with ease (let's say time limits and other challenges are killed), how much fun would that be?
I prefer Adventures that are just the same as every other video game out there: Challenging.
There's a difference between "challenging" and "lol, we just wasted your time". A puzzle isn't made more challenging by requiring an item one would have to be clairvoyant to know about beforhand. And having to start over is just a waste of time, not a show of skills. It's like in some other game if there is no checkpoint before a boss fight, and I have to play through the entire level again if I die. The boss fight is not harder because of that. The boss fight is exactly the same. It's just that I have to waste a lot of time to try it again.
I like point & click games precisely because the are not like The Witcher or some other RPG or action game. After playing action games, FPS, or some other thing like that I often want to play something relaxing for a change of pace- something where I can take my time, and just enjoy it. That doesn't mean the puzzles are not challenging. It just means I can actually solve them without reloading the game X times.
It really annoys me when people point at poor desing, call it a "challenge" rather than what it really is, and wear the fact that they wasted hours if not days of their life overcoming that instead of playing a better game like some twisted badge of honor. It gives developers an excuse for their shortcomings they should not have.