mrkgnao: The game has no permadeath. You just reload and retry the battle.
I don't think you can grind. There is more or less a fixed set of battles.
At some points you have multiple battles to choose from, so if one proves too hard you can try the others, gain a level or two, and then return to the harder one.
Oh, so it's a bit similar to Kings Bounty? This in the sense that some enemies i had to come back later to fight them since they were in a higher level than me/had few soldiers.
mrkgnao: You're right. I forgot Cyraxpt had asked for fantasy.
I don't mind other settings so your recommendation was noted for a future playthrough but yeah, for now i'm looking for a fantasy setting.
dtgreene: Try the old Gold Box games (the ones in Forgotten Realms Collection 2, minus Hillsfar).
If you like those, try the Krynn series as well. (Same engine.)
Edit: Corrected the game number. (Thanks mrkgnao for pointing out the mistake.)
Ehhhh, bit too archaic for my taste.
Matewis: As far as I know, it is possible to install the 1.13 mod with steam's version of JA2, but I think it is easier with
gog's version. At least that's how I did it. The game runs perfectly fine on my 64bit win7 laptop as well.
Nah, i'll buy on Steam next week (during the sales) if it has the same price than currently on gog, not going to give gog any money until they fix the forum.
hyperagathon: Install Lazarus.
and [url=]Google Spy versions available.
Looking at the screenshot, I kinda understand what you want, but I can't think of anything I've played with that sort of mini-battlefield. There are some well-known mobile games like that, Auro would fit the bill if you can stomach the art style.
Thanks for the recommendation for Lazarus, i'll check it later. As for the game, yeah, i prefer a small battlefield type of game but i want something more meaty and not another android game (or port) like Warhammer Quest.