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low rated
MarkServ: you cant please all, gog has to choose who they want to...
Totenglocke: Which is why it makes no sense that they'd choose people who don't play games on PC over people who do. Because, in case they forgot, GOG sells PC games, not console games.
Well CDP sells console games and GOG sells cross-platform games. You can get the Witcher II and III on consoles, Dragon's Dogma, Day of the Tentacle, Cuphead, etc. etc.

But, yes, the butthurt, perpetually offended, safe space snowflakes are triggered by everything. including baseball games featuring strikeouts Self proclaimed SJW shows off high-end millennial intelligence

Best part, she became known as KKKgirl and finds it "mean" KKKgirl
Apologizing and explaining PCMR...

dark___devil: Fascinating how GOG decided to insult their customers in the name of a few permanently offended twitter snowflakes that don't even use your platform. It seems GOG's biggest market share is on consoles and tone-deaf PC users are minority of their consumer base.

I am not offended at this insult or want some apology,i am just sad and disappointed that GOG is bending the knee to a social bullies and terrorists. All this stupidity leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth. I am not some big spender,i am from Eastern Europa and money are not raining from the sky. I do support games that i like when i come by the money. Still this few days i will go with supporting the local pub instead,at least they have some backbone and deliver nice jokes without calling you tone-deaf.
Agree with the OP.

GOG, stop catering to SJW's. These perpetually offended people don't buy your products. What's worse for you, they don't care about your apology. Now you have just admitted to fault (in their mind) and can be continually beaten over the head with it.
DON'T apologise. Own it. Live it. Be fucking proud of whatever you are or who you are.

Edit: As the OP, I'm gonna spend my money at the pub until GOG grow their balls back.
Post edited December 27, 2017 by Bearclawmcbain
I'll just leave this Master Race here.
Morons who don't realize the PC Master Race is a satirical thing. Jesus fucking Christ on a rubber crutch.
Tcharr: I'll just leave this Master Race here.
I like Version 2 better.

I'm sure there's one out there that combines the two since there's only one verse different.]Found it. {/url]
Post edited December 27, 2017 by paladin181
GOG, I am very disappointed that you bowed down to these retarded social justice losers who are so completely oblivious and lacking in basic education that they would call a bunch of Poles nazis. top kek.
Crap like this is why I generally avoid any of the major social media websites.
Foxhack: PC Master Race dumbasses are just as idiotic, if not more so, than console fanboys who praise their system above all others.

The term implies that they're superior to everyone else. And what other group said the same thing back during World War II? Fucking dumbasses.

Fight me.
PC is still Master Race, though. (⌐■_■)
Totenglocke: Which is why it makes no sense that they'd choose people who don't play games on PC over people who do. Because, in case they forgot, GOG sells PC games, not console games.
MajicMan: Well CDP sells console games and GOG sells cross-platform games. You can get the Witcher II and III on consoles, Dragon's Dogma, Day of the Tentacle, Cuphead, etc. etc.
GOG has zero involvement in that, though. You can buy Dragon's Dogma, Hellblade, No Man's Sky etc. for console, but not from GOG, and they make no profit from it. And even in the case of the Witcher series, the money for console sales goes to CDP(R), not GOG.

GOG would probably love if they could sell download games directly on console, but Sony, MS, Nintendo etc. prefer to remain in full exclusive control of their own virtual stores.
Post edited December 27, 2017 by CharlesGrey
Likewise I am rather disappointed in GoG, this sets a bad precedent that all it takes to make them squirm is a few randos complaining on social media.

I enjoy a bunch of "problematic" material, what if its a slow news day at kotaku and they decide to do a retrospective on say...Alien Nations and stir up the bee hive of outrage about how problematic it is (one of the races is an amazon race with mostly bikini clad cuties, cue lots of gender stereotypes and jokes)?
Will gog then cave in due to "popular outrage" and remove the game?

Sounds silly, but this is where this particular slippery slope leads, time and time again these people have shown they ain't reasonable and that all caving in to them accomplishes is to annoy your actual buying non complaining fanbase more, at best just giving clickbait articles writer an easy feel good "mission accomplished we are so progressive and enlightened!" article. These folks love to throw themselves on metaphorical spears, the worst you can do is to reward them with attention, they will only go out and seek another spear/drama to throw themselves on.

Ultimately this makes me feel like GoG doesn't have much of a backbone and if push comes to shove, I can't trust them not to be bullied around by the outrage crowd. Say what you will about steam, but at least they tend to remain apolitical unless absolutely forced to, otherwise they are just happy to sit back and count the money.

Anyways since this thread has more people complaining then there was on twitter, then it only stands to reason that gog should back down and flip flop again and say actually pc race really is mater race :o
After all, I'm offended and stuff! So do as I say! Or is it only when OTHER people get outraged you listen and ignore when its me/us in this thread? Oh ok I see how it is :P
But hey don't listen to me gog, I've only been a customer since the early days of your site.
Post edited December 27, 2017 by brotherfrank
Now a blog / gaming news site has picked up on it... and of course it was posted on the PCMR sub on Reddit.

I say again, whoever is running the GOG twitter account is doing a great job... /s
It's a really stupid thing to apologize for. It's a widely known and cherished running joke in gaming.
Although I game on both PC and consoles, as each has their uses - GOG don't bow down to the SJWs. They aren't your customers, and don't buy games. You're throwing chum in the shark infested waters by caving to them.
Why is there a thread about OP's twat? OP, go visit your gynaecologist if you think it needs it be looked at, and if you stuck christmas decorations up it, take them out.
low rated
Woofy: Although I game on both PC and consoles, as each has their uses - GOG don't bow down to the SJWs. They aren't your customers, and don't buy games. You're throwing chum in the shark infested waters by caving to them.
Well, some of those SJWs have like 1000 games in their library and indirectly even blackmailed gog, before...
Post edited December 29, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
About the only thing I've taken from this experience is some people won't even take a day off from being offended during the Christmas period, and would rather continue harvesting online apologies than spend time with their family.