Posted December 02, 2014

In there Vladimir Karasev from Luhansk explains his view of the world which can be summed up like this: Use of deadly violence is okay if I do it and wrong if anyone else is doing it. Expansion of the war towards other regions in Ukraine is inevitable. The people living there are on our side.
Because of such people more civilians will die and that makes them so dangerous. If you ever approve of violence to achieve your goals other than self defense than you willingly accept dead civilians and you inevitably start a war. Also acting in the name of the people has a long and bloody tradition. But it also tells us what is probably going to happen. The war will not only continue it may even be extended to larger areas and may become even worse.
Another very funny article in pravda is the article: "Will Germany attack Russia again?" ( whereas in the article it says that Germany ruled out any military intervention. The article is actually one of the better ones (because only things that actually happened are stated) but the headline is just crazy. Somebody must have taken drugs while writing it.
Another thing is that while the shooting down of the airplane MH-17 will probably never be clarified completely and anyway not everyone would believe in it whatever the outcome, there is now a report on different video material from these days. Sure, it could all be a big lie, but with the usage of different materials from different people (french reporters for example) there should be at least a bit of credibility. A summary can be found here:
What seems to be clear is that at least one Russian military Buk system crossed the border to Ukraine at this time and also crossed back a few days later. Most probably it lost a missile during these days. The rest can probably be disputed. To me this is a strong hint that this was always a war of Russia against Ukraine and less of a civil war within Ukraine. - ranked 600
Site with pretentious headlines as clickbait,
As for article about MH - I recommend to use scrolling and read comments for discussions or possible links to already busted fakes.
At least this photo has distinctive editing artifacts on top number - different coloration, jumping height of numbers.
Try to spot familiar things here.