lukaszthegreat: that's not how satellite work. They do not take 24h photos of every part of the earth. Instead they travel certain path taking HQ photos of small part of earth once. then they will never be able to take the same picture again (few places on the planet might be an exception where current orbit passes through former orbit)
USA as spy-friendly it is does not have spy satellites point at every single point of earth or even at every important part of the planet. Instead they travel on orbits which allows them to monitor sites like nuclear silos in Russia, China, military bases in those countries and places where satelitte coverage is extremely important aka where american lives are in danger during military operations. so Iraq, Syria...
If the war escaltes USA probably will be able to put some sattelites on orbit which allows to take HQ photos at any given time of Ukraine territory. but it is extremely costly, ties up resources so it is not done often.
Therefore your demands cannot be met.

Phasmid: Sure they can. Reality is certainly not like something you'd see on a TV program like 24 where Chloe repositions them at a moment's notice and watches Jack take down the terrorists in real time, but it's also nowhere near as spartan as you are making out, if it were they'd be of
very limited use indeed. They certainly can be manoevred onto specific orbital paths, else they'd be not much use at all, having to rely on the earth's and the satellite's orbital/ rotational and absolute velocities to line up semi randomly- Digital Globe, the non military commercial provider used say they can take a specific shot in
as little as 6 hours. Should also be noted that their stated abilities of their 'basic' package
far exceed the quality of the released pictures. And the obvious expectation is that military satellites are better in both regards, the resolution of a near forty year old KH spy satellite was 15cm, by comparison.
And, this situation is exactly what spy satellites are designed for, reconnaissance and intelligence gathering when alternatives do not exist. In Syria and Iraq, as your examples, the US can use
drones for surveillance as ISIS have very limited AA capability, they're cheap and numerous, and flexible and easy to manouver and retask. Send the drones into eastern Ukraine or Russia though? They'll be scrap in minutes, if not seconds. So if you want to monitor the situation in Ukraine, and I think we can all agree that the US does want that, then they have to use satellites.
Just because they can do it from technical point of view, does not mean they can do it from logistic and monetary and political point of view.
Moving a satellite is costly. It also costs fuel which as far as I know cannot be replenished. Therefore, even if they have the ability to get a satellite at any moment in six hours doing so would be extremely costly. If it is not necessary to do it, then they won't do it for sure. It also ties up resources. It is not like spy sattelites are falling on their orbits doing nothing. No. They were placed on orbits with goals in mind. Now, conflict in Ukraine might become higher priority than current missions and will demand a full 24h coverage by satellites but fortunately nothing happened so far to warrant USA doing something so costly. When that happens military might release higher quality pictures.
Your demand of HQ pictures is unreasonable. It won't happen unless a full scale war between Ukraine and Russia happens which will demand the coverage you seek. Otherwise the conflict has limited impact on USA which does not require them to use their satellites in that area on moments notice. After tanks were spotted crossing border they might have started to point their surviliance equiment at ukraine, but it will take days or even weeks to minimize the cost of fuel (without fuel satellite is useless like you pointed out)
but when that LQ picture was taken there was no reason for USA to point their most advance hardware at Ukraine 24/7.
Moving satellites is costly and can be done easily if the cost is justifiable. nothing in ukraine happened when tanks crossed the border for usa to justify the cost.