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The Summer Sale on GOG.COM keeps burning brighter and brighter, yet we have two surprises in store for you that will surely make every fun-loving heart beat faster!

First, take a look at the Ultimate RED Collection that returns to GOG.COM once again with an even better deal than ever. This pack enables you to buy all 6 games created by CD PROJEKT RED at once for $55.99 while saving 66% when compared to buying the same titles at regular prices!

If you still haven’t booked a ticket to Night City, now is the perfect occasion, because Cyberpunk 2077 receives the highest discount yet on GOG.COM – 33%. So, hurry up and dive into the fast-paced, open-world RPG starring Keanu Reeves himself and make a name for yourself as the most notorious urban mercenary of all time!

Both the Ultimate RED Collection and the 33% discount on Cyberpunk 2077 will be available on GOG.COM until the end of the Summer Sale on 28th of June 2021, at 1 PM UTC.
toxicTom: …snip
If you read up on the making of The Witcher 3, development was pretty chaotic too. That is the reason for all those question marks in Skellige, they had been afraid the game was too small, even a few weeks before release when they finally assembled everything. But it all "clicked" and came together nicely and the result was a magnificent game (with only some bugs to weed out). I guess that magic didn't happen with CP77.
As I see it, there must be two different versions of CP which have been distributed. The first, which must have gone to yourself and certain reviewers, which contain no bugs, has all promised features, works fully etc. And is as you say, and reviewers say, a 10/10 best game ever (it’s up there on metacritic).

The other version is the one that has, been removed from the PlayStation store as it’s so bad, been thoroughly and minutely documented about missing content, lies on what it would contain, bugged content, broken or non existent ai, graphical issues, broken skills, broken stealth, built for microtransaction market, DRMd content.

One can only assume there are two versions. Let’s check, in your version do you have the deep character building and emotionally attaching back story, or do you have one mission and then a fast forward segment?

Not only that, there is the anability to provide preloading for offline users, drming content, review buying, lying to everyone involved, pushing staff to breaking point, being sued by investors, releasing trash and gifting yourselves massive bonuses etc.

Really strange how people see the world differently. Anyways, as this post will obviously be downvoted as usual, chalk each downvote to the rise of CDPR as the new EA (or the lowest of the low if you prefer).
nightcraw1er.488: As I see it, there must be two different versions of CP which have been distributed. The first, which must have gone to yourself and certain reviewers, which contain no bugs, has all promised features, works fully etc.


Anyways, as this post will obviously be downvoted as usual, chalk each downvote to the rise of CDPR as the new EA (or the lowest of the low if you prefer).
Or it could be because you put words into people's mouths they didn't say, which is regarded an obnoxious way of discussing by most?
nightcraw1er.488: As I see it, there must be two different versions of CP which have been distributed. The first, which must have gone to yourself and certain reviewers, which contain no bugs, has all promised features, works fully etc.


Anyways, as this post will obviously be downvoted as usual, chalk each downvote to the rise of CDPR as the new EA (or the lowest of the low if you prefer).
toxicTom: Or it could be because you put words into people's mouths they didn't say, which is regarded an obnoxious way of discussing by most?
So you don’t think it’s a good game then? In terms of the 10/10 that was more the reviewers:
There are very few actual users who would say that.
You also mentioned there are two ways of looking at it, not true. You can hold the product up in comparison to any of its peers, and in conjunction with all the promises, pre release information, and in the conduct of the company, and then realise that the whole thing should be avoided as much as possible. Just like with EA, just stay away from them, nothing good there.
Oh, I am not saying CP is the worst game ever or anything, with a few years patching and dlc, it might scrape a 4/10.
nightcraw1er.488: So you don’t think it’s a good game then?
You said:
which contain no bugs, has all promised features, works fully
which I never claimed. I wrote right above that it feels unfinished in many regards. I don't pay attention to reviewers much. It's either "this is the best thing since sliced bread" or "worst garbage I've ever seen" too often.

And yes, I do think it's a good game. World building and design is superb (simulation is lacking), the story is actually really cool and leaves some food for thought. Also all the minor content, mini-missions, logs, emails... it's among the best ever written for a video game in my opinion.
Mo-cap and voices are excellent. Core gameplay mechanics are really well done, the character growth system is pretty complex and satisfying (the way I played it, at least), gunplay it fun, stealth is fun and mostly plausible. It feels like Deus Ex in many regards, when you play the actual missions. Stealth, hacking, mechanics, melee, guns galore - all possible depending on your build, with the perks nicely complementing each other and forming synergies. And the city looks breathtaking, even on lower settings. And the music is awesome (matter of taste, of course).
That's the stuff I care about. I'd give it an 8/10, because the stuff I liked, what is essential to me, is really amazing. What bothered me most was how broken driving is, especially cars, from first person. It's really rare that I finish a game and want to start another play-through right after. The rest of the weakness are simply not that important to me.

People who bought the game for something else, like car racing, a proper city/life simulation with lots of interactivity or tons of sex scenes will be disappointed. It's no GTA Night City, it doesn't even aspire to be. Some stuff is hit-and-miss. Some is bare-bones (and unworthy of a game with a scope like that), some is broken or ridiculous.

I guess it would have taken another year or so to make the game into what it was supposed to be. I guess that wasn't possible. And I doubt they can pull an NMS on it - there the content is procedurally generated, so you need only a small team to make and tweak content. CP77 is completely hand-crafted, you need the voice-actors and mo-cap... The dev team gallery in the secret room has about 580 or so faces... and the list of "Cyberpunk Babies" in the credits is ass-long (disproving Pawel's statement of "we don't fuck around" *lol*).

And I do think there are quite many "users" who think it's a good game. Nobody in their right mind would claim a 10/10. I actually know quite a few real people who like, even love the game. And only a handful of (very vocal) haters.

But yeah, there are two ways to look at it:

Take what you get by face value and judge upon that, if the parts you care about are good (for you), the game is good. If the stuff you care about sucks, the game sucks (for you). That's the way I see it. (Of course the PS4 and XBOX owners have every right to be pissed - they got an unplayable game. And to have at least a playable game is something everyone cares about).

Or you can compared it to the Second Coming, The Game To End All Games, that CDPR marketing and the community built in their heads, and be severely disappointed. I actually saw that coming. The hype was so overblown, even with all the issues resolved, no game could ever live up to that. That, and the bug-ridden and obviously cut-down (from the original ideas) release clashed... hard.

Or maybe there is a third way: Be a grumpy old fart, and complain, nitpick and find a hair in every single dish served, completely unable to enjoy anything, but suspecting malintent and getting screwed over everywhere and every time.

It's your choice of who you want to be.
Really people buy CP2077?
OldOldGamer: Really people buy CP2077?
It's a great game. Why wouldn't we buy it?
OldOldGamer: Really people buy CP2077?
Screamshield: It's a great game. Why wouldn't we buy it?
My bad. I didn't notice.
Great deal, for those missing many of the Witcher titles.

For me - I own W1, W2, and W3, this doesn't do much for me here.

I'm missing Witcher: Adventure and Thronebreaker.

If there were discounts for also owning some/multiple games in this bundle - since I own W1, W2, and W3 - then I'd be seriously thinking about buying it in a "Complete The Bundle" type of Loyalty Deal like how some bundles on Steam have.