LiefLayer: As a developer what I think is that Unreal need to focus on the docs... last time I tried the engine (about 1 year ago) it was still a mess.
Unity is just amazing on that, you can start any day, try to do something and find the docs to both the way to do it and how to use the apis, updated to the last version.
Common, man, have you ever seen a properly documented engine (ok, other than maybe unity, and i only say that 'cause i have no experience with it).
And yes the fact the Unity also use C# (easier to write than C++ and my favourite programming language out there) and convert it to C++ at compile time to get the best of both world is just a plus not the main reason I stay on Unity (after all I just write scripts for the engine, it should be easy in C++ too, but the problem is the docs sucks so you need to find workaround).
There's some talk in ISO about intentionally borking the C++ binary compatibility soon, so this could get really interesting really fast.
Don't get me wrong I know engine try to "sell" on their light-shadow-real-life look, I'm just not really interested in that part. I only know how to write code for the logic of the game (make the character move by using the animator, move the camera, save the game, create the logic of the menu etc...) and I cannot really change that part (if the game looks like in real life or not) and I don't even care sometimes (in the end I think my style is more about cartoon and anime, I don't really like realistic style, still I will get 3D/2D artist to do the model for me and I will just get a shader that I like, I will not create one).
That's why I'm not really hyped about unreal engine 5. As a developer that wants to write code (not blueprints) I'm not even sure if I should test it another time... last time it was just a bad experience. The engine was slow on my laptop, the docs were not updated on the C++ part and I didn't really care about blueprints and when I tried to open Unity I was amazed by how many things I could do better.
In the video presentation of Unreal engine 5 I saw nothing for developers, if I cannot have fun by writing code there is no reason to use the engine, at least for me.
I'm partial to dropping to C and writing my own engines, just to avoid all the upcomming fads that are going to result in alot of broken code and constant refactoring (as if it's not already bad enough). I understand it's harder, more work, etc, but i see smoke on the horizon.