nightcraw1er.488: Yes the forum search is broken, has been for a long time. It is however far simpler to look at page 1 and 2 of the general forum to discover the links I posted, and probably others. It seems like a lot of effort to go through to find a post from 5 years ago when there are several looking straight at you. And if your really struggling just use duckduckgo search GOG forum <topic>, again much easier.
I agree. and it's a tragedy (not only here but in many forums) that one better uses an external internet-wide search engine to find e specific topic by narrowing it to a domain instead of the forums own local search.
Trues is, when I found this thread, it was by local search as the first 2 pages didn't yield the topics about updates I was looking for ( I knew that there was the "the_what_did_just_update_thread", but I didn't remember it's name or link), but instead stuff like "why the person above you should be banned". Obvious answer: because posting in crap like that and with doing so pushing the important stuff down. As if there weren't enough games to play on this website... another tragedy.