Posted January 21, 2017

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation

Registered: Jan 2012
From United States
Posted January 21, 2017
One interesting thing is that one didn't necessarily need to be a citizen to vote. At this point, every state requires U.S. citizenship, but once upon a time, some states used voting rights as a reason to come to their state when they were seeking statehood which required a minimum population. As it stands, if a state like California wanted to allow those in the process of gaining citizenship to vote, the voters of California can elect to do so. And since the state still only grants so many EC votes, no other state really has the right to complain about it. The people of each state can make rules to govern themselves and can decide how to distribute these votes. Just like Maine and Nebraska have decided to split their votes. 2 votes goes to the state winner and there are 2 districts in Maine and 3 in Nebraska which assign an EC vote to winner of each Congressional District.

Registered: Jul 2015
From Australia

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted January 21, 2017

Also, Richard Spencer getting punched in the face by a cowardly lib sent my sides into orbit.
This shit is fucking hilarious. It's going to be a funny 4 years.
Second video - not funny at all. :(

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted January 21, 2017

But it won't work without huge mass media support. Both fake street protesters and mass media (owned by same people, who buy fake protesters) shape public opinion.

Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted January 21, 2017

Hello World
Registered: May 2009
From Canada
Posted January 21, 2017

You still gave no reason whatsoever why states are somehow more important than voters.
You live right besides Belgium and you ask those kind of things to people living across the ocean while you have your answers a few kilometers down in the south.... :o)
Replace California by Flanders and Alabama(or another state won by Trump) by Wallonia => In our current system, Flemish are seen to have the political upperhand in every federal institutions as they always have the most voters and thus are seen to take decisions which advantages them (like the management of the railroad) at the detriment of Walloons. Flanders and Wallonia are two different regions with their own specific needs and a "majority rules" politic doesn't work. I like the US system where the different states/regions are more equal. Obviously, if you want USA to end up like a big mess like Belgium... ;)
Post edited January 21, 2017 by catpower1980

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted January 21, 2017

To be honest, i don't understand why you're annoyed. You don't like that workplaces will return to USA? Or you're a pissed of gay? He is not going to put you to prison or to psychiatric ward for being gay. Calm down.
They 've been fed with "Trump hates", "Trump is racist", "Trump hates gays", where and when, in fact, his business models both support and cater to different people. Heck, they even believed "Russian Hackerz" and "Hired Prostitutes golden shower in Obama suite", just because their favorite fake news channel and departing president said so, without ANY sort of proof and official, declassified info presented! You are referring to the very same people who actually believe Aliens exist and Hillary would introduce them to us, or that Madonna would do them free oral, had they voted for H.!
Don't stoop so low all the way to their level, man (like i regularly do)! Talking at a wall of bricks would have more of an effect or an impact, rather tan talking to a herd of liberals, with downvote button at the ready, coupled with closed ears and humming tunes... Don't worry, though, your words are not wasted. Thankfully, there is another minority, both here and anywhere else; those of FREE and THINKING people!
Post edited January 21, 2017 by KiNgBrAdLeY7

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted January 21, 2017
Hmm, one should maybe define historic event before.
To me it feels like watching a car crash in slow motion. On the other hand I hope and I'm quite optimistic Trump won't do too much damage and will be gone soon and hopefully no one will remember him much in due time. Doesn't really count for a historic event, or does it?
To me it feels like watching a car crash in slow motion. On the other hand I hope and I'm quite optimistic Trump won't do too much damage and will be gone soon and hopefully no one will remember him much in due time. Doesn't really count for a historic event, or does it?

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

Greed is good!
Registered: Sep 2008
From Norfolk Island
Posted January 21, 2017
Eh. Major stuff government does is not going to be affected by whoever is in charge.
what is huge bother is climate change issues are probably going to sidelined. and seeing how the issue has been tackled in past 20 years by old pricks in governments who don't give a fuck about anyone then trump administration will do even less to mitigate the dangers climate change presents to our society.
he made his views clear on that matter and few of his people also are ant-climate change. so really shitty scenario so far is being presented.
what is huge bother is climate change issues are probably going to sidelined. and seeing how the issue has been tackled in past 20 years by old pricks in governments who don't give a fuck about anyone then trump administration will do even less to mitigate the dangers climate change presents to our society.
he made his views clear on that matter and few of his people also are ant-climate change. so really shitty scenario so far is being presented.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted January 21, 2017

What exactly is being protected here? State's rights or something?
Comparing it directly to European countries doesn't work because we (Netherlands, Finland etc.) are much smaller in size than the whole of US. I personally already now feel miffed that EU commission and parliament is constantly producing proposals and agreements that feel quite unfair towards e.g. Finland (e.g. regarding the "EU climate agreement", how the Finnish forests are taken (or not taken) into account in it etc.), and it feels we are quite powerless to change them either because rest of the EU thinks differently as you idiots have already destroyed your own forests hundreds of years ago.
To understand the size problem, maybe one example would be if we really had some kind of global world government. Would I feel comfortable with e.g. billions of Chinese having so high weight in elections, decisions etc. that directly affect also "us", and in practice the World Leader would usually be from China (or thereabouts), due to the number of people there?
In a way that would still be fair in a sense (hey, there are more Chinese than Finns (or even Europeans), so of course they have more say in world things), but to me as a member of a smaller nation it would feel more like dictatorship of the majority.
The bigger the scale, the less powerful a single voter feels. Near democracy is preferred. Maybe one solution to US presidential dilemma would be that the US president would have less power than nowadays, and would be more like a head figure rather than the ultimate decision maker with ultimate power. Then the states themselves would have more power, and California etc. wouldn't mind as much Trump becoming a president.
Post edited January 21, 2017 by timppu

Abrasive Charpit
Registered: Dec 2010
From Poland
Posted January 21, 2017

... how is it all of the trolls are also to a man happy? :P
... snip
Or wait... was that actually a brilliant self deprecating joke?

gog n' cogs
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted January 21, 2017

To me it feels like watching a car crash in slow motion. On the other hand I hope and I'm quite optimistic Trump won't do too much damage and will be gone soon and hopefully no one will remember him much in due time. Doesn't really count for a historic event, or does it?
I agree that most of his campaign plans will fall far short, just as Obama's did. Most outside the USA thought Obama might bring in a Universal Healthcare service akin to the rest of the developed world and finally confront the nations archaic gun laws. But his plans fell short, constantly cut down and neutered by concessions.

Dayman: Fighter of the Nightman
Registered: Sep 2012
From Brazil
Posted January 21, 2017

When people are talking about the popular vote in conjunction with calling this past election illegitimate because of it, the idea they are "sore losers" becomes quite obvious. When they talk of changing these rules using this election as the example, I'm not sure how else one can fairly characterize it. When it comes to the numbers, I think I just explained why just adding all states together doesn't give reasonably accurate results. The campaigns would have campaigned differently. Voters in solid blue and red states probably would have voted in greater numbers. No idea who would have really won a popular vote but adding each state together doesn't prove a thing.
But this time the EC did disagree with the popular vote, again, and the candidate who fewer amount of voters supported won. Maybe under a different type of election the votes would be split differently, but you shouldn't ignore the issue that does exist now and the evidence we do have for it based on what might have happened.

The way we personally do it over here is with electronic voting machines. We've been using them since the mid-90s. They're not connected to the internet, if they are to be tampered with it must be done in person the same way as with a non-electronic machine. After the election is complete you can just check the machine to get all the results instantly. The machine provides a receipt after a person votes, so you can check immediately that your vote has been tallied. You hand the receipt before leaving and it is kept secure so that a manual recount can be done if necessary, though I never heard of that happening. Every person is registered to a specific table at a specific polling station and they must show photo ID and provide either a signature or a fingerprint scan to vote, so no one can vote in someone else's place.
Post edited January 21, 2017 by DaCostaBR