mistermumbles: I've never quite understood the closet monster complaint.
Fenixp: Well, Doom 1 and 2 had levels designed purely to convey great gameplay, whereas Doom 3 is trying to be a lot more believable. That's why monster closets don't work so well anymore.
That and the fact that Doom 1+2 had a lot more variety in HOW they did monster closets, and had more tricks than JUST monster closets. It's really incredible how Id's level design went from a 10 to a 5 as soon as Romero left. Just compare Quake I with Quake II.
Doom 3 is still a lot of fun, though. Best singleplayer game Id's made since Quake.
Crosmando: Horror elements?! Maybe for Doom 64 (in terms of the new soundtrack and atmosphere, but in a very minor way) but original Doom and Doom 2 there was nothing remotely scary about the games, nor did they try to be.
It absolutely WAS trying to be frightening. That's what scary looked like back in the early 90s.