glumpot: Am I allowed to trade someone here for a game code I got on Humble Bundle? Or only GOG Games? I have an extra code, don't know what to do with it...
If it's allowed, anyone want to trade me for a copy of Vertiginous Golf?
Trading isn't officially sanctioned by GOG and thus isn't regulated by anybody except the community. The unofficial trading thread is here: However, BEWARE OF SCAMMERS. There are some nasty people on this thread who prey on folks like you and try to convince you to give up your key without giving you anything in return. Always check the list of known scammers that the guy above me posted before trading, even if the person seems to have a high rep number. If in doubt, you can ask for a list of people they've previously traded with, or ask me and others to check them out for you. Myself, Sachys, amrit9037, toxicTom, tinyE, and Hypersomniaclive are people in particular who I know can assist you in this.
If you just want to dump games, please PM the host of this thread for GOG games: and this thread for all other games: Give either one of them your code, and they'll make sure it goes to a good home. If you frequent the community and become an active member, you can ask for games from either of those threads as well.
Now, on a more personal level, I can't quite tell whether you're saying you have a copy of Vertiginous Golf to trade, or you want to trade to get a copy of Vertiginous Golf for yourself. If it's the former, I have, like, 3 of them already, so no thanks. If it's the latter, I have, like, 3 of them, and you can totally have one for free.