Syphon72: Is it still active? Because I installed Fear this year. Nothing from SecuROM was active or on my PC. From what I read in forms it's deactivated, just not removed.
Just curious because I'm not seeing it.
HunchBluntley: As far as I understand, it can only become active if you already have something else installed that has working SecuROM, or install such a thing later. "Dormant" would probably be a better word to describe it, in this case.
To better clarify this, the base game FEAR had the SecuROM removed properly. The two expansions (Extraction Point & Perseus Mandate) only had SecuROM partially removed. The disc check was removed in all of them but the SecuROM in the expansions is still partly running and will block the game from running if it detects a "debugger" program running. Eg, if you try and start the expansions with
Process Monitor running, then SecuROM will throw up a
DRM error. The link in the error message mentions "Virtual drives" (ie, it's still trying to detect the difference between genuine CD-ROM's vs mounted ISO's of ripped games appearing to be virtual CD-ROM drives and assumes all "debuggers" are the latter) is obviously related to the disc check DRM function.
It's neither "dormant" (files included but unused) nor fully active, but some awkward thing in between. Reading between the lines, it's one of those games where GOG obviously couldn't get a clean DRM-Free source directly from the dev / pubs, but rather had to crack it themselves, did that fine for the base game, but the only NoCD's they could find for the expansions weren't very good ones.