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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

That was a pretty huge Summer Sale, guys! With free games being given out left and right, and hundreds of deals up for grabs, everybody emerged with well-stocked libraries, big smiles, and pleasant dilemmas.

Like: shall I play the magnificent Spelunky that I got for free or should I begin my fourth playthrough of VtM: Bloodlines now that I got it DRM-free? Is it finally time to cash in my accumulated 2-month work leave and tackle The Witcher 3 + Expansions? Perhaps I should go for a quick Shadowrun instead, see where that takes me.

So many questions. But your answers are all that matter!
Will you be playing any of the game(s) you snagged during the Summer Sale? Or are you saving your backlog for a rainy day?

Go on, share your Weekend Playlists with us. They can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some additional inspiration? The releases of the week provide plenty:

- You can search for the remains of your pre-apocalyptic life in <span class="bold">Deadlight: Director's Cut</span>.
- You can mix drinks and stories as you tend to the troubled patrons of <span class="bold">VA-11 Hall-A</span>.
- You can arm yourself with both Artbook and Soundtrack and dive right back into the lovely world of <span class="bold">Stories: The Path of Destinies</span>.
- You can try to reconcile red robots with hairy monsters while platforming <span class="bold">On Rusty Trails</span>.
- You can cut your shape into the fabric of the Old West with your trusty <span class="bold">GUN&trade;</span>.
- You can expand your Solar Empire by looking for new opportunities in the <span class="bold">Outlaw Sectors</span>.
- You can protect and nurture <span class="bold">The Little Ones</span> amidst the brutality of war.
- You and your friend can praise a common god for the good of the community in <span class="bold">Thea: The Awakening</span>.
- You can return to the simulated halls of <span class="bold">MechoEcho</span> and wrestle with the free 10-level-long campaign.
Pillars of Eternity and maybe Wasteland 2... but definitely Quest for Glory series and Classic D&D.... just a little of everything!
After a long break I've reinstalled Riven. Never finished it the first time I played but I'm making pretty good progress now.
moonreaver: After a long break I've reinstalled Riven. Never finished it the first time I played but I'm making pretty good progress now.
I wish you the best! There are some marvellously obtuse puzzles in that one. I ended up having to use a guide to finish (though to be fair I'm not the best at those kind of games).
Probably mostly going to be Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
Witcher 3. :D I suppose completing it will take me until the end of the year, a true Game of The Year.
Counting one and a half months work from gog since the release of "weekly releases". Only counting full, complete releases; so no InDevs; DLCs & XPacks below included. In part to get my mood up and be less sour about perceived lack of releases and factual recent events and in part just to satisfy my curiosity:

Week 1: 5
Week 2: 5
Week 3: 6
Week 4: 3 (including VanHelsing Final Cut since its reads as a coherent unique thing instead of just a compilation)
Week 5: 6
Week 6: 5
Week 7: 7 ( -26 if you're German)
overall since weekly release compilation:
37 new releases (... 4 if you are German)

... at least my curiosity is satisfied. And while not for the right reasons my mood must have got lighted up a bit since I laughed hard. But that aside 37 (and again, that excludes all DLCs & InDev titles) is not bad at all.
Mighty No. 9 and more Super Mario RPG.
Finally Finished Darksiders II on Deathinitive Difficulty only to discover there was a hidden nightmare mode. maybe in a few months i'll want to play another 40h of my life away.

But for now I'm going into original Balders gate. and Maybe Some Original Deus Ex
Continuing on my journey of trying to complete my huge back catalogue of older games, this weekend it's Majesty.

It's one of the very few games I have completed in the past (I have a bad tendency to get distracted halfway through a game by something newer and shinier), but has been years since I played it.

The first time round I remember enjoying it but finding it quite easy, so will be interesting If I still think the same.
moonreaver: After a long break I've reinstalled Riven. Never finished it the first time I played but I'm making pretty good progress now.
Nice to see someone else had the same idea. :3 I bought Myst V during the sale, and that inspired me to replay the Myst series (now I have the whole series except IV/Revelation). I played Riven earlier this week, so this weekend's playlist is Myst III: Exile.

Also continuing my play of Starpoint Gemini 2, which has been excellent and addictive so far.
Once I stop being pissed about Hotline Miami 2's editor still not being here, I guess I'll go finish Broforce.
andysheets1975: Just started Technobabylon. Very impressive so far. If it keeps up like this, I'll have trouble deciding if it or Primordia is my favorite Wadjet Eye game.
Technobabylon is awesome. I haven't finished Primordia yet, due to a regrettable lost saves situation, but Technobabylon is definitely the most ambitious and complex of the two.

GR00T: My weekend gaming is going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition. [..]. I must say it's a crapton better than DA2 and I'm very pleasantly surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.
This bad boy has been on my short list for a long while now but The Witcher 3 and limited time have been getting in the way. Also the comments of people who found it a bit too grindy and with a blah supporting cast :/ Is that really the case?

For me it's Shadow of Mordor this weekend. Am already about 8-9 hours in and having a good time slaying orcs and uruks. However, the constant respawning and the ho-hum story somehow make the world seem more like an sandbox of spectacular murder and less like a real place.
This weekend I will finish "TW3: Blood & Wine" exp. and probably start playing "Hard West" from the summer sale :-)
Just a little bit of Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus that I got from the community giveaway. I do get some fun but I understand why it gets rather bad reviews. And maybe I will have some time for Majesty 2. Apparently I'm in a mood for not si great (to put it lightly) games :)
brilliance: Has Shin Megami Tensei if been translated? I really want to play that one, since it apparently is the basis the scene for the Persona series. I loved the first Shin Megami Tensei, but 2 was worthless shit, definitely one of the worst games on the SNES. SMT if is sure to look like a work of genius compared to 2.
I've recently looked into the entire franchise as far as translations go, so I'm fairly certain it hasn't been done yet. I'm not sure why, the first NES game got translated, as well as the combined remake for the SNES. Not to mention the Last Bible stuff. What did you dislike about 2?

As for me, I finished Postal this week, so now I'm debating whether to complete the gauntlet challenges as well or not. The controls are still the worst thing about this game - would it have killed them to add free aim instead of this rotate-character-in-strange-ways crap? I want a Hotline Miami edition. Or well, just more Hotline Miami...the editor is out...but not on GOG.

Quest for Infamy annoyed me with its linguistic mishmash (names, accents) and bad portraits. I'll go back to it for a bit, though, perhaps the rest of it is worth it.