rjbuffchix: The message their actions sent to consumers: we want social participation, but on our own terms that reveal personal data unless you're feverishly checking the page every day to be quick enough to opt out. Also, Facebook and Google are trustworthy partners...Really!
Additional messaging:
So, I was gifted a title the other day, probably for recent purchases, and my spouse tried to collect it and couldn't.*
This is after trying to enter a recent competition (locate the hidden links on an email by solving riddles) which I also couldn't complete.
All the while this computer logs in without issue, but the second device is prevented (where it originally wasn't).
Additional additional message:
Rewards only for Facebook- and Google-centric participation.
Quite frankly, I could care less about some random entertainment that I have not personally chosen, so it doesn't matter to me. But I find it disturbing that the Googlification of the interwebs is slowly choking out any noncompliance to their world domination.
* I have pop-ups disabled on this machine, so we use the iPad for entering the annoying authentication hoop-jumping nonsense.