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A simple question which may only require a simple answer; what game is next on your backlog?

I figured I'd open this thread as a jolt of motivation to start burning through games sitting on my backlog and hopefully encourage others to do the same, because if you're like me it ends up being hundreds of titles deep with nothing ever getting played or finished, leaving it to continue stacking up for years to come... anyway!

The next title on my backlog is Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Justice for All after having finished the first entry in the series just a short while ago, I'd been meaning to get into the series for a while but just never found the opportunity until I started pushing myself to tackle the backlog.
Post edited May 31, 2019 by EraztheRogue
Lemme throw a dart, I'm thinking Pax Imperia because I'm looking for a Space Empires replacement.
Diablo, perhaps.
Probably Heroes of Might & Magic 4 and everytime I think about it, I get depressed. Very-very-very bad game (subjective opinion) but I have to complete HoMM saga or do I? First chapter was good, second was fantastic! The third one is almost excellent, but not as good as HoMM 2. HoMM V was made by Russian team and many players praised it, I find the interface is god-awful (what were they thinking!). And I don't want even discuss the next game after that because it almost made me cry out of disgust...
Post edited May 31, 2019 by Cadaver747
It WAS gonna be FEAR Platinum Edition, but I guess there might some weird stuff in the files...
So, probably System Shock 2 or one of the games I'm waiting to go on sale.
Cadaver747: Probably Heroes of Might & Magic 4 and everytime I think about it, I get depressed. Very-very-very bad game (subjective opinion)
And I still see that as the only game worthy of the name. Admittedly, changing the way a series works will alienate its fanbase, so maybe it should have been a spinoff, but I played 1, 4 and TotE from 5 and really struggled with 2 and 3 without managing much of anything (think I finished one campaign in 3 and not sure if any in 2, really not a play style I could get to grips with, was just getting thoroughly trashed every time, through dozens of attempts, if not hundreds in total), and except for 4 I kept wondering where the heck are those HEROES when all I see are cowards-hiding-behind-their-troops-and-running-away-if-left-alone, and why do the troops need a "hero" to go anywhere too.

To answer the OP, backlog not something to really consider at the moment since I just started Regions of Ruin. Would have been a question otherwise, because I seem to have dropped Lords of Xulima suddenly a 2nd time at the start of the month (did it once before, last year), but as it is, there's this or returning to that as options. And then I still say I really should finish NWN: Kingmaker someday, but years since I dropped that, and there are the other campaigns in that expansion left too. Then, still installed, Serpent in the Staglands, unstarted (so this is probably the one really qualifying here). Should give King of Dragon Pass another go too, but years since I got myself in a losing situation the 2nd time in that and didn't restart. Then, out of what I didn't install yet, likely at the top of the list there'd be Egypt: Old Kingdom or Celestian Tales: Old North at the moment. With RoR supposed to not be that long but LoX being quite massive and really triggering my perfectionism, so likely for me to drop it yet again after I'll get back to it, possibly multiple times, before finishing, guess I'll be installing these two by the end of the year at least.
Cadaver747: Probably Heroes of Might & Magic 4 and everytime I think about it, I get depressed. Very-very-very bad game (subjective opinion)
Cavalary: And I still see that as the only game worthy of the name. Admittedly, changing the way a series works will alienate its fanbase, so maybe it should have been a spinoff, but I played 1, 4 and TotE from 5 and really struggled with 2 and 3 without managing much of anything (think I finished one campaign in 3 and not sure if any in 2, really not a play style I could get to grips with, was just getting thoroughly trashed every time, through dozens of attempts, if not hundreds in total), and except for 4 I kept wondering where the heck are those HEROES when all I see are cowards-hiding-behind-their-troops-and-running-away-if-left-alone, and why do the troops need a "hero" to go anywhere too.
I'm afraid I have to find a fan patch or something. I have nothing against 4:3 ratio, but the game have 3 resolutions with extremely big menu and tiniest area map (why???), with the highest available resolution all text is just unreadable. I don't care about heroes moving around, maybe it's a good idea but enemies always attack my mage-oriented heroes first (and they die). I don't understand acidic colors but I can manage it, but isometric battle map is the most bad design decision I could ever expect.
Cadaver747: I'm afraid I have to find a fan patch or something. I have nothing against 4:3 ratio, but the game have 3 resolutions with extremely big menu and tiniest area map (why???), with the highest available resolution all text is just unreadable. I don't care about heroes moving around, maybe it's a good idea but enemies always attack my mage-oriented heroes first (and they die). I don't understand acidic colors but I can manage it, but isometric battle map is the most bad design decision I could ever expect.
Ah, I still have just a 1280x1024 monitor even now, so resolution won't be an issue, and definitely wasn't when I played it (2002-2003), think I had 1024x768 then actually. As for the weaker heroes being attacked first, that's just smart, isn't it?
Right, like I ever play games! XD

Serious answer, probably Alien C.M., but that changes from day to day depending on my mood and level of energy and workload.

Don't laugh, I do work. XD

Seriously, I do.


Post edited May 31, 2019 by tinyE
Cavalary: Ah, I still have just a 1280x1024 monitor even now, so resolution won't be an issue, and definitely wasn't when I played it (2002-2003), think I had 1024x768 then actually. As for the weaker heroes being attacked first, that's just smart, isn't it?
I don't care about resolution. No one seems to bother about screen size proportions. Here are the screenshot from HoMM 3 and 4. Tell me how is this normal?

And why can't I have a square action map in square game (4:3 ratio) like it was before from the same developer/designer, but instead have to deal with tall rectangle with limit view for east and west. I don't understand it at all! It's killing me!
homm3_800.jpg (140 Kb)
homm4_800.jpg (121 Kb)
Post edited May 31, 2019 by Cadaver747
Anarchronox - played it last time 2012 but didn't finish. have been itching for past 2 years to play it again.
i've yet to actually complete Uplink: Hacker Elite, and I really like it's atmosphere, even though it's way too pointer oriented. I suppose Diablo is worse for me with point and clicking (isn't every game a "point-and-click" game?), but Uplink is about using computers, so I'd want to craft my own interface and personally it wouldn't be a pointer using interface.

Nonetheless, I want to play through it a few times. Along the way, I want to obtain the IRC client within Uplink so I can use it to connect to the #gog IRC channel. It's suppose to be a legit IRC client because you were supposed to be able to use it while playing the game to talk to others playing the game, and share ideas and hints with real people. Or at least that's what I've understood from what I've read about it. Since likely no one is on whatever channel that would be for Uplink, I'd be trying the #gog channel for fun. (Never been there, but I thought this would be a fun way to try it out.)

Anyway, a bit too busy right now, but I'm hoping to make Uplink my next game, again, and with that goal in mind.

I won't mind if someone "spoils" it for me and lets me know whether it's possible to use the IRC client in the game in that way, based on their own experiences with Uplink. Like I said, I'd like to play through it a few times anyway, for the feel of it. I absolutely love the very beginning of it, starting a new game, it gives me chills every time as if I really am beginning to use another operating system and signing into another server to "work" (more like a script kiddie) with the aid of a loan from the company who made the OS. Besides, I'd like to complete the game, there are at least a couple endings, and if the opportunities for those are missed it is said to be open ended, which also could be interesting to me based on what I've already played.
Cadaver747: Probably Heroes of Might & Magic 4 and everytime I think about it, I get depressed. Very-very-very bad game (subjective opinion) but I have to complete HoMM saga or do I? First chapter was good, second was fantastic! The third one is almost excellent, but not as good as HoMM 2. HoMM V was made by Russian team and many players praised it, I find the interface is god-awful (what were they thinking!). And I don't want even discuss the next game after that because it almost made me cry out of disgust...
I'm playing Heroes 2 now, since I never completed it back in the day. I find it to be simpler than Heroes 3 (my favorite game). I'd be interested to hear why you find 2 better than 3.

4 is indeed, subjectively, really bad. Never completed it, and still feel gutted for paying 40GBP for it when it came out (or was it more?). I'll replay it some time in the distant future.

As for OP, my backlog right now consists of the following:
Mafia II's expansions
Conquests of Camelot: The Quest for the Holy Grail
HoMM2 + expansion
Assassin's Creed Unity
Just Cause 2
Cadaver747: I don't care about resolution. No one seems to bother about screen size proportions. Here are the screenshot from HoMM 3 and 4. Tell me how is this normal?

And why can't I have a square action map in square game (4:3 ratio) like it was before from the same developer/designer, but instead have to deal with tall rectangle with limit view for east and west. I don't understand it at all! It's killing me!
Hm, fair enough. Can't say I noticed though, and for a turn based game where you can look around at leisure, matters way less.

But I think we're derailing the thread...
Red Faction