sanscript: I'm back to Doom 3 (trying out some new HD mods) and Penumbra/Amnesia series.
tinyE: HD mods? How are they?
Pretty nice actually considering the age of the game. I've mainly used Absolute HD before but I never finished the game because of some glitches, which is understandable as I've only got a A10 machine to play on. Recently bought a new gfx card it is looking really good. However, ahd is only for the main game and not RoE.
Using mods seems to be the only way to actually go above 1024x in resolution and 16x antialiasing. At least mine refuses to.
I also tried wolfen which didn't actually add much on it's own and it clashed with ahd. Sikkmod was way too bright, looked pretty bad and is now "old". But since I now have a decent gfx card that Doom 2016 came with, it looks like things could change even better.
Since I'm only halfway in the game I've decided to try today which contains many other mods, is also updated and even works on RoE. Made by the same guy who initially made it for the BFG edition, and it installs in the base dir and not as a separate mod.
I've only finished the game once many years ago so I'm hoping it will be a lot of fun :-)