Posted October 27, 2013

Northern Warden
Registered: May 2013
From United States

lock & load baby
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted October 27, 2013

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted October 27, 2013
The PSP version of Final Fantasy IV. What a good game; a really marked improvement over the third one. Even if I have had occasionally had to fight four random encounters in as many steps. The PSP game includes The After Years, which will be new to me. The main game I played on the SNES when it was first released in America.

Yo Joe!
Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted October 27, 2013
I have been playing Crimson Skies High Road To Revenge. it's pretty good so far.

Registered: Jun 2013
From United States
Posted October 27, 2013
Still playing System Shock 2. I've been fairly busy lately, and I recently purchased Medal Of Honour Allied Assault which I played during my childhood. So I have been playing that instead, and loving it.

The A.I. Guy
Registered: Jun 2010
From United States

I like games
Registered: Nov 2008
From United States
Posted October 28, 2013
Finished The Swapper finally after being stuck for way too long on the last puzzle bit. It was a very nice (but short) game.
Now playing Critter Chronicles. Good fun so far.
Now playing Critter Chronicles. Good fun so far.

Favorite race: Formula__One
Registered: Jun 2011
From Finland
Posted October 28, 2013
I played quite little over weekend for some reason, but yesterday evening I got some hours into Baldur's Gate 2.
Now I have completed the BG2 base game, + Watcher's Keep. Fighting the big baddie (Irenicus) was quite hard, but it seems that if you are able to summon e.g. a Deva on your side, it helps a lot in keeping him busy. I tried to lower the baddie's magical defenses, but he seemed to just heal himself and cast new defensive spells, making even Carsomyr +5 sword and Crom Faeyr (+5 warhammer) constantly miss him. Apparently he had some total immunity for awhile?
Anyway, apparently that weapon immunity went away after some time, because after awhile especially Crom Faeyr started doing massive damage to him, like close to 50 points damage per successful hit. In no time he was down, just had to make sure the weaker party members (spell casters etc.) were far enough from him so that he wouldn't target them. Keldorn and Minsc did most of the dirty work, as always.
So far the hardest fight I've come by was in Watcher's Keep when you insert and use the Heart Key in the Final Seal room. Damn, six enemies which are pretty hard even one by one, let alone all of them at the same time. I could never hope to survive fighting them all at the same time, so I overcame them like this (not sure if this is considered cheating?):
- Only my hasted Keldorn fighter went to the seal and used the key, others were waiting down in safety, behind gates.
- After Keldorn has opened the seal, he rushes to his team mates, and closes the gate behind him before all the baddies can follow him. Good thing the BG2 enemies are stupid enough not to know how to open gates or doors.
- Let my party sleep, and then Keldorn goes back to open the gate. Fortunately not all the enemies are there. Three (out of six) enemies see Keldorn and follow him down. Fighting three enemies at a time is hard enough, but manageable.
- Then close the gate, again, sleep, and face rest of the three enemies who are farther up. Total winnage!
Now I am on chapter 7, too much talk in the beginning stages...
One thing I've noticed between the first Baldur's Gate and this second one, for some reason all the spells and at least most of the weapons seemed kinda weak in the first BG? Healing spells and health potions were so weak that you had to cast like four or five of them on one fighter character to heal him fully, finding new weapons was usually quite meh, they still did only moderate damage, Magic Missile still felt pretty much the most useful and strongest offensive spell even at the end of BG1, etc.
BG2 though seems to have much more powerful spells and weapons that really seem to matter. And maybe the most important thing, I don't recall if there were any "regenerating health items" in the first BG1. Having a couple of them on your tank fighters who take most of the blows was quite important to me in BG2, so that you didn't have to rely only on health potions, or other team members casting slow healing spells on you, in the heat of an intensive battle. The fighters keep healing at least somewhat all the time during battle.
Now I have completed the BG2 base game, + Watcher's Keep. Fighting the big baddie (Irenicus) was quite hard, but it seems that if you are able to summon e.g. a Deva on your side, it helps a lot in keeping him busy. I tried to lower the baddie's magical defenses, but he seemed to just heal himself and cast new defensive spells, making even Carsomyr +5 sword and Crom Faeyr (+5 warhammer) constantly miss him. Apparently he had some total immunity for awhile?
Anyway, apparently that weapon immunity went away after some time, because after awhile especially Crom Faeyr started doing massive damage to him, like close to 50 points damage per successful hit. In no time he was down, just had to make sure the weaker party members (spell casters etc.) were far enough from him so that he wouldn't target them. Keldorn and Minsc did most of the dirty work, as always.
So far the hardest fight I've come by was in Watcher's Keep when you insert and use the Heart Key in the Final Seal room. Damn, six enemies which are pretty hard even one by one, let alone all of them at the same time. I could never hope to survive fighting them all at the same time, so I overcame them like this (not sure if this is considered cheating?):
- Only my hasted Keldorn fighter went to the seal and used the key, others were waiting down in safety, behind gates.
- After Keldorn has opened the seal, he rushes to his team mates, and closes the gate behind him before all the baddies can follow him. Good thing the BG2 enemies are stupid enough not to know how to open gates or doors.
- Let my party sleep, and then Keldorn goes back to open the gate. Fortunately not all the enemies are there. Three (out of six) enemies see Keldorn and follow him down. Fighting three enemies at a time is hard enough, but manageable.
- Then close the gate, again, sleep, and face rest of the three enemies who are farther up. Total winnage!
Now I am on chapter 7, too much talk in the beginning stages...
One thing I've noticed between the first Baldur's Gate and this second one, for some reason all the spells and at least most of the weapons seemed kinda weak in the first BG? Healing spells and health potions were so weak that you had to cast like four or five of them on one fighter character to heal him fully, finding new weapons was usually quite meh, they still did only moderate damage, Magic Missile still felt pretty much the most useful and strongest offensive spell even at the end of BG1, etc.
BG2 though seems to have much more powerful spells and weapons that really seem to matter. And maybe the most important thing, I don't recall if there were any "regenerating health items" in the first BG1. Having a couple of them on your tank fighters who take most of the blows was quite important to me in BG2, so that you didn't have to rely only on health potions, or other team members casting slow healing spells on you, in the heat of an intensive battle. The fighters keep healing at least somewhat all the time during battle.
Post edited October 28, 2013 by timppu

Registered: Sep 2012
From United States
Posted October 28, 2013
Icewind Dale! The game I originally came on to GOG for like a year ago! I finally got it fully running in wineskin, thanks to PaultheTall's wrapper. Man that was annoying. Anyways, 3 hours in and no crashes so far, so success!

New User
Registered: Oct 2011
From Sweden
Posted October 28, 2013
Currently playing Runaway 2 The Dream of The Turtle
Encountered some frustrating moments but other than that it's enjoyable. :-)
Encountered some frustrating moments but other than that it's enjoyable. :-)

Destroy them!
Registered: Jan 2012
From Other
Posted October 28, 2013
Presently on a bit of a Warhammer 40K kick. Just about to finish up my first playthrough of Dark Crusade as Space Marines, just the Ork Stronghold left to conquer. And, also about a 1/3 of the way through Space Marines on XBox 360. Not usually a huge fan of action type shooters, but I am really enjoying SM. I like the vicarious feeling of slaughtering enemies first hand, and "right in your face" onslaughts. While my somewhat aging reflexes make the game a bit morre difficult (and a little frustrating at times), I none-the-less am reloading, and fighting my way through like a real trooper of the Emperor.
Dark Crusade is just plain enjoyable for an RTS and Warhammer fan like myself. Never get tired of the blood and destruction I wrought with my forces. After wrapping up the the campaign with the Space Marines, gonna make a run through with the Necrons...
My current 40K binge also has me reading some of the Omnibus books out there on the 40K universe. Was very surprised to find some really great Sci-fi writing, and engrossing story telling...yeah, guess I on Warhammer overload presently, heh heh
Dark Crusade is just plain enjoyable for an RTS and Warhammer fan like myself. Never get tired of the blood and destruction I wrought with my forces. After wrapping up the the campaign with the Space Marines, gonna make a run through with the Necrons...
My current 40K binge also has me reading some of the Omnibus books out there on the 40K universe. Was very surprised to find some really great Sci-fi writing, and engrossing story telling...yeah, guess I on Warhammer overload presently, heh heh

New User
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany
Posted October 28, 2013
Still chipping away at Resident Evil 6. Man, that's a long game. I've only finished two campaigns so far (Leon and Chris) and I still got two more.
I'm also six hours into Arkham Origins and I'm fiddling around with DX Human Revolution DC a bit.
I'm also six hours into Arkham Origins and I'm fiddling around with DX Human Revolution DC a bit.

Rebel Scum
Registered: Mar 2009
From Switzerland
Posted October 28, 2013
I'm playing Muramasa Rebith on Vita, Valkyria Chronicles and Jak & Daxter on PS3 and DmC Devil May Cry on PC and halfway through Dragon Age's Awakening.
Post edited October 28, 2013 by Narakir

New User
Registered: Dec 2012
From Romania
Posted October 28, 2013
Avadon, the Black Fortress.

Registered: Apr 2012
From United States
Posted October 28, 2013
At this very moment?...going to do another round of pvp on League of Legends.
The only game I know of that punishes you for the tinyest of mistakes :P
Am I masochist? Probably, probably.
The only game I know of that punishes you for the tinyest of mistakes :P
Am I masochist? Probably, probably.