Posted February 29, 2016

Roast garlic in olive oil. (Optional: you can omit this and instead add garlic powder later.)
Brown ground beef (I usually use ground chuck) (This step can be skipped if you don't want meat in the sauce)
Drain the fat (if you cooked the beef)
Add 1 can each of crushed tomatoes (or diced tomatoes or tomato puree), tomato sauce, and tomato paste
Add a bit of water (or wine)
Add spices. I usually add basil and oregano, and sometimes I add a bay leaf.
Heat to boiling, then simmer and cover.
You will, of course, need something to put the sauce on (I recommend pasta).
To clean the can of tomato paste so you can recycle it, let it soak for a bit and most of it will come off easily.