matterbandit: I managed to convince my Mom to step out of her house on this chilly but sunny day and go for a stroll with me. It turned into a 3.5 hour walk! :) I think we were both in dire need of some fresh air: her, away from the TV and all of it's depressing news; me, away from the Internet and all of it's depressing news. It felt good to just disconnect for a little while and chat with one another as we walked about aimlessly. ;)
That's wonderful :) I really should make a point of taking my mom on weekly Sunday walks as well. It's brilliant exercise, and the vitamin D isn't too bad either.
OT: used a sauna for the fist time in, almost 20 years I think? Took a cold shower afterwards and immediately felt like a million bucks. I avoided them until now (at the gym) because I always used to see wrinkly naked people inside whenever I'd walk past, but this week I saw a sign that said that a bathing costume is compulsory :D