Posted June 11, 2016

Handler Level 2
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Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted June 11, 2016
Those were really fun btw, you should tell the rest of the staff that they should do such contests again.

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Grey Havens
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Cartoony Corsair
Registered: May 2013
From Cyprus
Posted June 11, 2016
Yeah, that was what I thought would happen in that case -now that you say it, GOGRin doesn't sound halfway bad, and at least sounds better than Goglin, which is something I guess...
plagren: GOGer/GOGger is so boring, they might as well call us "Dear Valued Customers". No thanks.
GOGlin and GOGlodyte are both nice. I love bad puns.
GOGnard makes the most sense etymologically, but... maybe a bit obscure.
As a Witcher fan I might also go for or [url=]GOGlet - but of course this isn't just a Witcher forum, despite what some new users seem to think. :-P I don't know about you, but I personally like feeling valued and dislike bad puns (because they're bad...duh!), so I guess that's possibly why I prefer Goger instead of Goglin (not that this hasn't been obvious from my previous posts here)...

GOGlin and GOGlodyte are both nice. I love bad puns.
GOGnard makes the most sense etymologically, but... maybe a bit obscure.
As a Witcher fan I might also go for or [url=]GOGlet - but of course this isn't just a Witcher forum, despite what some new users seem to think. :-P

Tech Commander Team
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Posted June 11, 2016
I have to confess I am getting really tired of seeing 'Goglin' on all of these GOG threads.

Grumpy Old Git
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Handler Level 2
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted June 11, 2016
Post edited June 11, 2016 by JDelekto

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
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Posted June 11, 2016
See now I like Demigog!

Cartoony Corsair
Registered: May 2013
From Cyprus
Posted June 11, 2016

Oh, and I personally consider goglins as downright rude and condescending, as it's as if they consider their customers a bunch of goblins or something -goger at least has the advantage of being neutral.
Yeah, I guess this is getting tiring - I personally tried to propagate/lobby the use of Goger, but my arguments get drowned in the posts of the supporters of the G*lins naming...

Handler Level 2
Registered: Apr 2013
From United States
Posted June 11, 2016
Just for the record, not to be confused with "Demimoor", a game level with rated poorly because people expected some supposedly some actress was supposed to make an appearance in a foggy swamp.

Registered: Mar 2010
From United States
Posted June 11, 2016
Voted in the survey. I'll just rate my choices here.
1. Goglodyte (the best)
2. GOGer (meh)
3. Goglin (bleh)
4. Gognard (just terrible)
1. Goglodyte (the best)
2. GOGer (meh)
3. Goglin (bleh)
4. Gognard (just terrible)