Breja: It's almost as if the way GOG informs users of important changes they know are for the worse (with unmarked forum threads) was ridiculously inefectual.
real.geizterfahr: Well... A news post on the front page would mean a similar visibility. Down there... at the bottom of the page... for two days, before it vanishes into a non-accessible archive oO
True, and I already spoke of that in (I think) the original "we say goodbye" thread. The fact that GOG managed to make their actual "news section" completely disfunctional only compunds the problem.
I'll be honest - while I sympathise with people who lost what was for them a usefull feature, I think the true issue in this situation is the one of GOG's terrible communication, both in terms of their inability to communicate such news, or in fact almost any news, in a visable fashion, and the fact that no explanation of their action beyond a vague, worthless PR statement was ever given despite the outspoken demand for one, showing gross disrespect of the userbase and incompetence in managing customer relations.
This is an issue that comes up time and time again, with numerous people not knowing about the galaxy-bundling installing the client unwittingly with their offline game installers, with people not informed about the user profiles having their private info left on display without even knowing it, games being removed with nary a warning and now this.
This is what we should be pressing GOG about.