teceem: Did you finish reading that sentence? He meant economy, not ecology.
(I know, bad English!)
timppu: Does it make any difference? I presume the point of an "economy function" would be the same, limit the use of electricity.
I recall earlier there was another thread about limiting power consumption with a gaming PC, so I thought this was somehow related to it.
It didn't quite become clear to me in the other thread why the need to limit use of electricity, does it cost so much in NL, or is there some ideological reason like "climate change!"?
There are a couple of factors if taken together that could lead to a somewhat better prospect of a certain future. Rapid growing markets in both the East and South ( Africa Asia, Middle East ) predict expansive use of electricity in the not so far lying future ( this is already happening in fact ) ( not to mention food btw but that is a different topic all together ) in where certain contributors should be.... become aware about their own responsibility etc etc etc
furthermore if i can have the same results for 30 euro's a month less i take it
not to mention the relaxation i have from a system that is operating on my own figured out treshholds