Posted July 07, 2019
if you want tweaking your pc best to go all out, ive said this in many threads relating to security or windows 10,
programs that are a must have
1. ribbon disabler - basically replaces the god awful windows 10 ribbon with the windows 7 one
2. shutup10 - a free privacy software which can disable many telemetry and other spy type MS services
3. voodoo blocker - a great anti exe file that blocks unknown connections to your pc, you can allow conenctions through if there safe
4. privazer - an in depth cleaner for your pc that is free and actually cleans your pc
5. edge blocker - this simple program jsut blocks edge from running i dunno how it does it but IT WORKS so get rid of edge
and finally GPEDIT, if you dnt have gpedit theres policy plus you can downlaod - USING GPEDIT CAN BRICK YOUR SYSTEM SO BE WARNED!
you can customise everything here, disable windows updates permanently, stop access to drives,disable settings and control panel, even block certain applications and much much more but PLEASE READ A GUIDE ON WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN GPEDIT BEFORE YOU MESS AOBUT WITH IT :)
programs that are a must have
1. ribbon disabler - basically replaces the god awful windows 10 ribbon with the windows 7 one
2. shutup10 - a free privacy software which can disable many telemetry and other spy type MS services
3. voodoo blocker - a great anti exe file that blocks unknown connections to your pc, you can allow conenctions through if there safe
4. privazer - an in depth cleaner for your pc that is free and actually cleans your pc
5. edge blocker - this simple program jsut blocks edge from running i dunno how it does it but IT WORKS so get rid of edge
and finally GPEDIT, if you dnt have gpedit theres policy plus you can downlaod - USING GPEDIT CAN BRICK YOUR SYSTEM SO BE WARNED!
you can customise everything here, disable windows updates permanently, stop access to drives,disable settings and control panel, even block certain applications and much much more but PLEASE READ A GUIDE ON WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN GPEDIT BEFORE YOU MESS AOBUT WITH IT :)