Fenixp: Heh, reminds me of playing X-Com Apocalypse. Yes, I really liked that one a lot - especially due to real-time with pause mode which I always preferred to turn-based. Anyway, remember the insanely large maps in Apocalypse, which were all fully destructible, with rudimentary physics backing it up? (as in, when you levelled enough of a building, it came down, or something like that.) Yeah, so I've always kept a small squad with light weapons whose only goal was to place explosives under an area and bring down an entire building (or entire spaceship when in docks, hehe) if it was too infected. City hated me, but it was damn effective at keeping my dudes alive :-P
I liked to set the (What the hell was their name again, the sect which was friendly to the aliens?) buildings of them in flames and teared them down.....was so much fun...
Using the Big gun either with HE or Inc. Ammunition and going berserk!!!! You just had to collect the goodies first to make it worthwhile ;) Or using one of the alien weapons to go in the cellar and digging through the mud just to destroy the structure above!!!!!
But blowing up other buildings???? IIRC that was a bad idea, as it resulted in lower income....