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I'm going to try for Hotline: Miami because, frankly, it's the only game in the HIB that I find intriguing. Guess that's something of an answer to the HIB question ;)

I will try to edit in some more answers over the next few days, but they'll probably take some more thought than I'm up to right about now.

For the GoGWiki, for example, I would not really be able to contribute good material because most of my top favourites, the games I like, play and know of the most are not (yet) on GOG.

Big thanks for the giveaway and congrats on your imminent milrepping, my rep to yours :-)
high rated
Thank you all for the answers so far, it does make for a very interesting read :) I added 2 clarifications on the opening post, mostly for question 2 and for how I tell apart the forum regulars from the non regulars. I'll start compiling the lists of entries a bit later today, and post them in this thread.

Edit: Also, the rep limit from high rated is 5 per day, and the daily post rep is extra on it. Thus it seems that it goes for 6 rep per day, so you have ~5 more days to enter.
Post edited May 29, 2013 by JMich
Ok, I'm telling the whole world that I'm... regular...

But I thought I'd address question 5: PCGamingWiki has recently begun a campaign to create specialist pages for all GOG games. I like GOGWiki, but in its completion the PCGW would be a better resource overall. Unless there is something I'm missing that sets the GOGWiki apart?

Anyway, thanks for the giveaway +1. I'm in for $9.99 GOG game.
Like your style JMich and congratulations on the next star.

Not in just wanted to send thanks and +1

Can I come to the celebration when you get 5!
Post edited May 29, 2013 by Moonbeam
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the milestone! I'm in for the $9.99 GOG.
Dzsono: Ok, I'm telling the whole world that I'm... regular...
I like prunes also.
+1 and I aim for the 9,99$ gog :)
I'll enter for the $9.99 GOG, please. Since I'm not sure whether or not you consider me a regular, plus I have some free time lying around, I'll answer some of the questions too.

1. Usually I don't have these type of moments, but I did score one in System Shock 2 fairly recently that I thought was pretty cool. I was in a regular room, when suddenly a couple of Cyborg Assassins popped up from nowhere and started to make short work of me. I quickly jumped and crouched behind a desk, where they couldn't see me and healed myself quickly. Once I had done that, one of the Cyborgs was approaching the desk...I pulled out my laser rapier, slashed him in the knees, then jumped up from behind the desk and ran to the opposite wall, drawing away fire from my position; then I went against the other Cyborg, slashed him to pieces while he was also blocking fire from the other Cyborg, and then I switched to the pistol in mid-jump to another desk and headshot the remaining cyborg with one bullet. After that I had to take a moment to observe the scene and thought to myself "wtf just happened". Pure reflexes and intuition = great sense of accomplishment / Neo-like feel.

4. Carmageddon was surely one; I used to play it a lot in the early 2000's and really liked it, but had since misplaced my disc. Also, this meant that Reincarnation was going forward since they already provided something back from my initial pledge. As for the new GOGs...well, honestly, there aren't many of those. For some reason, the new games GOG manages to take under their wing is usually stuff that personally doesn't interest me that much, plus they're often indies that fairly often drop in price quite quickly. But there were a couple: Miasmata for example was interesting from the start when it hit the frontpage, and later when I got it, it became one of my favorite played games this year. Zafehouse: Diaries looked really interesting too; and while it was pretty fun to play as well, it does get old kinda quick, plus sometimes it feels too randomized. FTL and Hotline Miami were also really great, but this I found out only after I had purchased/received them; I didn't have any actual expectations for them, just wanted to see if they're good games, and they were.

5. I do know about the GOGwiki, and I believe I should still be found there too. I joined it in preparation for wpegg's "Nasty giveaway: Revolutions" giveaway.

Thanks for this giveaway JMich, and congrats on the upcoming 4th pointy!
high rated
Current list of entrants (will try to keep it updated). Feel free to correct me if I missed someone or have him on the wrong list.


Hotline Miami

Humble Bundle

Post edited June 04, 2013 by JMich
In for a $9.99 code.

1) Tell me of an "Oh God, how did I fail that bad" or "In your face!" experience you had in an FPS game.

I ran away from the first rumbler in SS2 while I had a fully upgraded assault rifle with anti-personnel bullets equipped. I played it alone at night and with headphones on.

2) What control scheme that has gone at least up to the prototype stage would you like to use for a game that doesn't support it, and how would it make the game more entertaining/fun. Clarification edit: Examples include the WASD controls for Wolfenstein 3D, Joystick support for Starfox, or the Artemis Starship Bridge Simulator for FTL. The prototype stage is so answers like "Psionic control for The Incredible Machine" won't be accepted, unless there was an announcement I missed ;)

I'd like some kind of a modern FPS control scheme for SS1. It takes a lot of time for me to get used to the old controls every time I go back to it.

4) One classic and one new release on GOG that really excited you, and why?

System Shock 2. It is a big cultural milestone in gaming and in survival horror. While I actually prefer the first game in the series, it was an important addition to the catalogue.

Legend of Grimrock brought back a lot of the old memories of those types of games. It was great to see the genre revived again.

5) Do you know about the GOGWiki? Why haven't you been active there yet? What page of the Wiki do you think you could "adopt", to make sure it's correct and up-to-date?

I know of it. I don't have the time to take on additional responsibilities.
Thanks JMich, awesome giveaway, and congrats for your upcoming milestone :)

I'm in for the 9.99$ gog games (To the Moon)

My answer:

1) That kind of experience is agenda when I play fps ^^°
2) @_@ I really don't know... Usually I'm well adapting to the controls of any game.
3) I'm currently developing a system of active-non partecipative sensorial revelations for my thesis at university (telecomunications field)
4) Classic: Little Big Adventure (Probably the first game I've ever played. :3) New: The Witcher 2 (great game, even if it's not cool as the first of the saga)
5) Yep, I know about it. And sometimes i use it. But due to my not so well knowledge of english, I've never contributed.
Post edited May 29, 2013 by Recsam511
In for the GOG code.

Answering your questions:

1) I really don't play FPS games, the last time I tried it was probably one of the doom games when it was first out - got disoriented immediately.

2) Maybe eye-tracking tech in FPS games? (not like I would like to try it myself), e.g. left-blink for main weapon, right blink for reload, and eye-tracking for aim. Then again this is probably stupid - anyways I know little to nothing about FPS.

3) I have been a research mathematician. Now I am in the transition phase of moving on to do something else.

4) FTL was one of the first games I bought on GOG, really glad I did. As for classic release, I would say Planescape Torment... although it has been sitting in the backlog for months.

5) I did not! Perhaps I would start looking into it.
I'll join the throng hoping for a $9.99 game.

It really bugs me when I find a flight sim WITHOUT Joystick support.
Galaxy on fire has semi reliable joypad support, but no joystick? WTF?
I think the Independance war games here also fail in this regard.
Thank you, JMich. In for a $9.99 GoG game.

Answer to question 3: yes. I am a physicist, doing accelerator research. How I got there involves some side-tracking. I started with Astronomy (had always been my hobby), then specialized to Astro-particle physics during my Diploma work. Then I noticed: hey, these neutrinos are fascinating and went on to pure particle-physics for my PhD. And after that I went on from particle phyics to the machine-side and I'm now working at some particle accelerators (mostly because I get to develop cool superconductive devices. I like cryo-physics and superconductivity).
JMich: 4) One classic and one new release on GOG that really excited you, and why?
Not in, but answering since your curious:

Classic - Thief. To this day, I'd almost rather play Thief than any other game. Its near perfect in every way. I even enjoy the very dated visuals to some extent. This game was pretty rough technically. It took multiple fan fixes and tweaks to get it running on modern hardware. I had often said in other forums that I would have gladly bought the games all over again if someone could have updated them a bit with a modern installer that resolved all of those issues. I think I still have a problem with the GOG installers, but I want to try on a clean install before I work on that campaign ;)

New release - Assassins Creed. I'm not a big fan of this game, but this came shortly after the announcement that they were going to re-brand to GOG and start offering newer games. Then this came out and I was VERY excited at the hopes of seeing new classics like Oblivion, Doom 3, Bioshock, etc. This was the most exciting announcement and release GOG has ever made IMHO and I'm not even a fan of the game... very sadly, this turned into Indie releases after just 2 games iirc.