Posted May 19, 2014
So a question. I haven't read the books (a long time ago I was dissuaded by talk of GRRM's health and the likelihood he'd ever finish the story - and I know if I start now "just to catch up" to the TV series I'd be done with all of them in a month - I know, I know but I'm hooked on the "surprise" of seeing it played out on screen now). PLEASE keep this spoiler free (again, the surprise thing!) and if you have any inkling that some of this stuff is meant to be a bit of a mystery at this point, to be revealed in time and not known by me now, please let me know!
Anyway, so I've gathered that Oberyn's sister was married to Rhaegar, and there was a reference made to Rhaegar wanting another woman and it starting a war. I'm also fairly certain the other woman was Eddard's sister. Was she to be married to Robert at this point? Was Robert's Rebellion started because Rhaegar tried to take Eddard's sister from Robert; sort of an Illiad thing? The way Robert was obsessed with her I sort of assumed the feeling was mutual - or was Rhaegar trying to run away ;) with his true love? Is this the same conflict that eventually also ended with the Mad King dying and Robert ascending the throne? Thanks all, and remember based on where the TV series is now, keep it spoiler free! I'd rather not know, even if it's a small mystery than ruin a reveal later.
Anyway, so I've gathered that Oberyn's sister was married to Rhaegar, and there was a reference made to Rhaegar wanting another woman and it starting a war. I'm also fairly certain the other woman was Eddard's sister. Was she to be married to Robert at this point? Was Robert's Rebellion started because Rhaegar tried to take Eddard's sister from Robert; sort of an Illiad thing? The way Robert was obsessed with her I sort of assumed the feeling was mutual - or was Rhaegar trying to run away ;) with his true love? Is this the same conflict that eventually also ended with the Mad King dying and Robert ascending the throne? Thanks all, and remember based on where the TV series is now, keep it spoiler free! I'd rather not know, even if it's a small mystery than ruin a reveal later.